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It Can't Be Done

I was going to post something about the story I heard on NPR last night, about the international lawyers who somehow, absurdly, think that it will not be possible for us to administer Iraq, or control its oil, because it would be "against international law," but Den Beste has done it already, and there's little left to be said.

Except that it reminds me (as many things do) of a Simpsons episode. The family is trying to escape some predicament, and are in the car getting ready to roll, but for some reason (I don't recall why) Homer doesn't have his driver's license.

Lisa cries, "Dad! We can't go--you don't have your driver's license." Homer, dismayed, nonetheless grits his teeth and mutters, "Well, I'm going to try anyway."

He turns the key, the car starts, and off he goes.

Elated, he cries, "Hey, it worked!"

Posted by Rand Simberg at April 04, 2003 09:11 AM
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Tracked: September 12, 2003 12:09 AM

On that note, some international legalistic talking sphincter on the CBC, or it could have been the BBC, was saying the other night that the Iraqi people may not OWN the oil and it should be up to the U.N. to decide who should get the oil and thereby the monetary benefits from the countries resources.

I thought the U.N. led by France, Germany and Russia had decided the resources were Sodamn Insanes as the leader of the country to do with as he wished, in the peoples interest of course. He has done so with the U.N.'s blessing for the last 12 years or more.

At present we are in a head long battle to change the situation of who will be in charge in Iraq.
As to whether we, the coalition, can "administer" the interim government, and the peoples oil in Iraq, just who's going to stop us?

Posted by Steve at April 4, 2003 09:46 AM

I find it amusing when, to justify their actions, leftists trot out "international law" as if it were some sort of fundamental universal force created with the Big Bang. Usually from the same people who think that Universal Gravitation and Euclidean Geometry are some dead white male plots ot keep control of the little brown brothers.

Posted by Raoul Ortega at April 4, 2003 01:33 PM

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