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Where's The Gas Attack?

Michael Kramer lays out the possible reasons that we haven't been attacked with chemical or bioweapons. My vote is that Saddam can't give the order, due to lack of consciousness, or acquisition of ambient temperature, and that no one else is willing to.

The least likely explanation, of course, is that they don't have them.

Posted by Rand Simberg at April 04, 2003 08:14 AM
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Mustard gas and cyanide found in the Euphrates river.

Posted by Fred Boness at April 4, 2003 11:45 AM

Hmmmm.... Getting rid of the evidence? Or evidence of a manufacturing plant? Or simply a false news story? I hope they save some samples of that water they tested. Of course, if nothing else is found the peaceniks will just say that the US doctored the samples to justify their cause. I'm honestly beginning to think that the only way some of those people will be convinced is if Saddam is found personally working in a hidden lab under his bedroom and even then some of the more idiotic will say we set him up.

Posted by FDC at April 4, 2003 12:41 PM

> The least likely explanation, of course, is that they don't have them.

I'm not so sure. If Saddam has in fact destroyed his WOMD and manages to personally survive just long enough for this to become apparent then he will have won the war. In fact, he will have done much more than that: he will have utterly destroyed the credibility of the U.S. No one will ever listen to us again. So destroying his WOMD and keeping it a secret would actually be a very shrewd strategy, and I think it is not inconceivable that Saddam is just smart enough to realize this.

Posted by Erann Gat at April 4, 2003 01:00 PM

I don't think he's capable of that, Erann. The regime is simply too incompetent. I doubt if they even know where everything is to destroy them.

Also, there's too much intel and radio traffic about them, and too much evidence that they plan to use them (atropine and chem suits) to believe that he doesn't have them.

This whole war was about not being willing to give them up--I just don't believe he'd do that, even if he could, because they, in conjunction with his culture of terror, are the source of his power.

Posted by Rand Simberg at April 4, 2003 01:27 PM

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