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Through The Looking Glass

The headline of this story from the New York Times is "U.S. Could Come Under Scrutiny of the U.N. Rights Commission."

You know, the Human Rights Commission that's chaired by Libya?

The UN continues to march down the long road to irrelevance.

Posted by Rand Simberg at March 18, 2003 01:28 PM
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Welcome to Milliways, the restaurant at the end of the Universe. Your maitre'd for tonight will be the esteemed Idi Amin. Idi exclaims "I highly recommend the bbq side of dissident served with a delightful sauce of cremed weasel! It is what I declare as been a fully balanced highly nutritional meal to my UN committee on Human Nutrition."

Why not? It is as probable as anything else we have seen in the last two years in Bizzaro World.

Posted by craig at March 18, 2003 01:54 PM

"The UN continues to march down the long road to irrelevance."

Continues? Rand, they've arrived, signed a lease on an apartment overlooking the Circle K, and are glad-handing the locals in hopes of being invited to join the Rotary.

Posted by Kevin McGehee at March 18, 2003 02:35 PM

I hope this outfit just rakes us over the coals over Guantanamo or capital punishment or Starbucks or anything else. That may provide the impetus our politicians need to withdraw our membership and kick the whole gang out of the country.

Posted by Dave Himrich at March 18, 2003 09:22 PM

The United Nations is not just irrelevant as a political body, it is dangerous in its aspirations. For the UN to presume jurisdiction or authority as a governmental body over another nation directly opposes that Nation's soveriegnty. While I support alliances that are mutually beneficial, for instance in the case of a country that asks for help and a group of nations were to render it and secure another ally, a group that presumes to be above any one soveriegn government is absurd. I know we won't, but I share the wish that we would get the heck out of the UN and watch it crumble like the League of Nations without our support, which is over 90% of their income.

Posted by Sgt J. Payne, USMC at August 16, 2003 08:32 AM

The United Nations is not just irrelevant as a political body, it is dangerous in its aspirations. For the UN to presume jurisdiction or authority as a governmental body over another nation directly opposes that Nation's soveriegnty. While I support alliances that are mutually beneficial, for instance in the case of a country that asks for help and a group of nations were to render it and secure another ally, a group that presumes to be above any one soveriegn government is absurd. I know we won't, but I share the wish that we would get the heck out of the UN and watch it crumble like the League of Nations without our support, which is over 90% of their income.

Posted by Sgt J. Payne, USMC at August 16, 2003 08:32 AM

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