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Great Timing

Just in case you weren't mad enough at the pusillanimous burghers in Brussels over the recent antics with the French and Germans, the Supreme Court of Belgium just decided that Sharon can be tried for genocide over Sabra and Shatila.

Like "hate" and "racism," apparently the word "genocide" has lost all useful meaning.

Posted by Rand Simberg at February 12, 2003 12:39 PM
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Maybe somebody should sue the government of Belgium for the aweful things it did in the Congo during the Colonial Period.

Posted by Mark R. Whittington at February 12, 2003 01:02 PM

...or sue Arafathead for untold crimes against the Israeli populace. If war is hell then surely the Israeli's live it daily.

Posted by Steve at February 12, 2003 01:49 PM

well, actually, what they did was reject the appeal to try him while in office - because unless he's not in office (diplo immunity) and living in Belgium he doesn't fall under Belgian law. the ABC story lays it out pretty well. so, they actually did the right thing in this case, and admitted that they have no real jurisdiction.

Posted by andy at February 12, 2003 03:37 PM

Isn't selling weapons and certain other materials to Iraq a violation of international law as well?

If so, and we find evidence that France and/or Germany did so, any bets as to whether the relevant court gets involved? (Yes, the French arranged ICC immunity for their soldiers, but what about their pols?)

Posted by Andy Freeman at February 12, 2003 03:38 PM

Does anyone think it's right that we go after a guy who kills his own people, but we're buddies with a guy who massacres others? I guess it's ok to commit mass murder, as long as it's not your own countrymen. Does anyone remember Hitler? The Israelis should, but they're the nazi's in Israel. The tables have turned, now they have their own populace to exterminate.

Posted by Abe Safah at February 12, 2003 07:26 PM

I don't even know where to start with this lunacy.

So, it's OK to mass murder people, as long as they're "your people"? Who granted Saddam ownership over the Kurdish people, that he could slaughter them like so many termites or roaches? Who gave him authority to have children tortured in front of their parents, wives and daughters raped in front of their husbands and parents and siblings, citizens given baths in acid, in many cases for his personal pleasure, of for that of his despicable progeny?

How does anything that Sharon did compare to this? As far as the record shows, at the most, he's guilty of not sufficiently enforcing discipline on militias that took out long-standing ethnic vengeance on another group. That's not pretty, but it's not genocide either, and to even attempt to compare it to the brutality of Saddam's regime is obscene.

Posted by Rand Simberg at February 12, 2003 09:09 PM

Abe you have got to be kidding me. Why is it that the protecting yourself inside the borders of your own country is a crime, but committing acts of aggression against a sovereign nation, inside that same country, is a forthright venture. Why is it that the Israeli's are the modern "Nazi's", but the Arabs in Israel are not the modern Viet Cong.

I use the word Arabs because I do not use the term Palestinian, as there is no such thing. If the 1948 edicts that set up Israel are invalid, (Arafat said so!!) so are the edicts set down by the British that established Palestine.

If you are a good and faithful follower of Islam you would know better than to wage war against "people of the book", The Koran's term for Christians and Jews. I have been reading the Koran, Abe have you?

Posted by Steve at February 13, 2003 05:14 AM

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