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I Couldn't Pick It Up
Al Gore's book has been out for ten days, and it's listed as #1131 at Amazon.
Given all the free publicity he's gotten lately from his media chums, I'd say that's a pretty big flop.
There are, as of this posting, no customer reviews. Somehow, I don't think the public is that interested in these people any more.
I hope that Hillary's book does as bad, or worse, and that the publisher loses a bundle.
[Update in the afternoon]
I think I've discovered the problem. They were Florida book purchasers, who meant to buy Gore's book, but bought this one instead.
[Another update a little after 5 PM PST]
I don't have a link for this other than this one, so it's kind of second barstool down, but not incredible. Someone at Free Republic is reporting that a radio host is saying that Al and Tipper are lonely at a book signing.
Posted by Rand Simberg at November 22, 2002 12:06 PM
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Books signing report-- I heard this the John Carlson show on KVI in Seattle. Mentioned appearance at the start of show, then in last hour, had a caller who claimed to be at the Costco in Issaquah today who described what she'd seen in detail.
This was the first I'd heard that that Algore and the head of "The Mothers of Prevention" were making any Northwestern appearances, so they've got a great publicity team working for them on this.
Posted by Raoul Ortega at November 22, 2002 07:22 PM
Gore read a book?
Posted by Ken Summers at November 22, 2002 08:38 PM
"I think I've discovered the problem. They were Florida book purchasers, who meant to buy Gore's book, but bought this one instead."
Posted by Kevin McGehee at November 23, 2002 05:49 AM
Meanwhile, Earth in the Balance is hovering around 63000 ppbk 85000 hardback while The Skeptical Environmentalist which is over a year old is at 993 beating Gore's heavily promoted new book. Maybe everyone has finally wised up about him.
Posted by dave at November 24, 2002 07:50 PM
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