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Thar She Blows!
What kind of morons would take this web site, about whale watching in Lake Michigan, seriously?
The whales and dolphins have become part of the scenery and culture of the lake, and their connection to its history is as ancient as the Navajo Indians who settled the shore centuries ago. Although there are stories of the whales causing many of the shipwrecks in Lake Michigan in the late 1800s and early 1900s, these have proven to be fables; the freshwater whale is a gentle creature, and any negative reputation is undeserved. Come see for yourself ...
What kind of morons? The certified kind (hint: they're writing educational materials for your kids).
[Update a few minutes later]
I should add, kudos to the Muskegon teacher, Deb Harris, who caught this error and forced the publication to issue a correction.
Posted by Rand Simberg at November 17, 2002 12:46 PM
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Transterrestrial Musings.
OMG! That is so pathetic it can't help but be funny, even if it is sad.
Posted by Kevin McGehee at November 18, 2002 04:27 AM
As a lifelong Michigander, I can think back fondly to all of those days on the Lake Michigan shores watching the dolphins play while the sun sets over the lake.
But don't believe them when they say that the whales have not caused shipwrecks. My brother-in-laws boat was totally destroyed by a Lake Michigan whale during mating season. He was lucky to escape with his life.
(Written hoping the AP will pick up on it an run it as a story.)
Posted by Bob at November 18, 2002 06:55 AM
Was that before, during, or after the Hurricane of '73 which as I recall was so fearsome that Minnesotans to this day refuse to name their kids "Glinda"?
Posted by Karl Hallowell at November 18, 2002 11:10 AM
Mrs. Mhrrgrhhm?....Candygram....Lake whale....
Posted by Paul Zrimsek at November 18, 2002 03:52 PM
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