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Damn These Selfish Californians

Confounding the social engineers, Californians continue, bizarrely, to want a single-family house and to drive to work alone.

Well, they obviously don't know what's best for them. I guess they'll just have to be reeducated...

Posted by Rand Simberg at November 17, 2002 11:42 AM
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A strict intellectual diet of Moyers and Donahue! We'll teach those reactionary masses!

Posted by Kevin McGehee at November 17, 2002 12:02 PM

Well, if people buy a house, even if that requires them to commute a couple of hours a day, maybe they really want to buy a house. I have so much difficulty with that concept. :-)

Incidentally, I wonder if part of the "problem" is that humans are highly territorial. We want our own space and "compact urban living" doesn't deliver? I suppose that thing about safety that only 40% of all polled mentioned might also be a factor. ;-)

Posted by Karl Hallowell at November 18, 2002 11:41 AM

I ran the numbers over on Arcturus. Everybody in the state could get a good-sized house on a good-sized lot and take up something like 1/37 of its land area. Not exactly overcrowded.

Posted by Jay Manifold at November 18, 2002 01:57 PM

The arrogance of these "advocates" is simply amazing. I wonder how they would react if a "public policy institute" came out with a study that said that it was in the public's best interest that each house should be on at least a quarter acre of land, Honda Civics should be outlawed (because they're too small to survive bad collisions), and all children over the age of eight should eat at least five cheeseburgers a week?

Posted by Russ Lemley at November 19, 2002 04:43 PM

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