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The Johnson Effect?

Watching this morning's mini-debate on Meet The Press between Terrel and Landrieu, it occurred to me that Landrieu is now in much worse shape for the run-off than she was in the general election.

In the general election, she could make the same argument that Johnson did in South Dakota--that she's a member of the majority party, and will therefore have more clout in representing Louisiana. Now that the Donkeys have lost the Senate, she can no longer make that argument, but Terrell can, if she's smart.

She couldn't get half the vote in the general election. I suspect that many who voted for her because she was a member of the Senate majority may now switch. It's hard for me to see how she picks up any significant Republican vote this time around.

Posted by Rand Simberg at November 17, 2002 11:35 AM
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Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see Landrieu go down in flames, along with the rest of the vote stealing, corrupt Democratic machine that makes LA hard to distinguish from Guatemala. But I have to say I thought Terrell could have done better in that debate. She seemed to let Landrieu get her flustered and out of sorts.

Posted by Lloyd Albano at November 18, 2002 04:01 PM

Landrieu's got my Johnson hangin"

Posted by Rufus at November 19, 2002 05:38 AM

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