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Good News For The Polity

Democrats are worried about the rift between Jewish and African-American voters, as represented by this past week's primaries, as demogogues Cynthia McKinney and Earl Hilliard lost, at least in part due to their ridiculous pro-Palestinian views.

Good. Anything that breaks up the irrational stranglehold of the Democrats on any ethnic categories is a good thing. If only the black vote could become competitive as well.

In my opinion, here are the money grafs:

"It puts black voters in a bind because you could end up with some people in the Congress who are black but who don't represent the broad mainstream views of the black community," says Ronald Walters, director of the African American Leadership Institute at the University of Maryland, College Park.

And there is another major difference in how black and Jewish members view the involvement of pro-Israel groups in the two primary battles.

"The black community sees this as a racial issue," Wynn said. "The white Jewish community sees it as an ideological, foreign-policy issue."

The black mainstream views favor terrorism?

Is there any issue that the black community doesn't see as a racial issue? If so, they have a long way to go to political maturity.

Posted by Rand Simberg at August 26, 2002 09:26 PM
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>> Is there any issue that the black community doesn't see as a racial issue? If so, they have a long way to go to political maturity.

Which black community? The dominant political one owes its existence to "everything is a racial issue".

Of course, as long as the rest seem to follow, it's unlikely that they'll change.

Posted by Andy Freeman at August 27, 2002 08:11 AM

To paraphrase the Dems last standard bearer "that depends on your definition of competitive" I may be being excessively naive, but I think that Jackson's illegitimate child and extortion racket, combined with McKinney's ridiculous comments about Bush and 9/11, combined with Farakhan's continued stumping of Islam (which brought on 9.11), combined with Bush's reaching out to more moderate leaders, and the increase in Middle class black voters will make it very hard for the Dems to repeat their 91% control of the black vote, and with so much of the rest of their bast attrophying from Bush co-opting their issues or 9-11 marginalizing them, the Dems are in bad shape even if their control of blacks dips to, say 75%

Posted by MarkD at August 27, 2002 05:22 PM

And how long did it take to figure out that "Black leader" turns out to be a label with limitations? (Are there any examples of "instant credibility" that don't work that way?)

Posted by Andy Freeman at August 29, 2002 06:19 AM

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