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Off Line Again

There seems to be a conspiracy to keep me from posting. My DSL connection has died again, and now the modem in my firewall machine that I was using for backup seems to have gone to that Happy Hardware Hunting Ground as well.

I'm reduced to posting from my laptop, which I hate, because I dislike the keyboard intensely. Does anyone know if there's any way to disable the touchpad, other than taping a piece of paper over it?

Posted by Rand Simberg at August 09, 2002 02:45 PM
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Erm.. uninstall the touchpad driver? Does it have one, or is it so integrated with the hardware that it doesn't need one?

Posted by LAN3 at August 9, 2002 03:54 PM

The touchpad on my wife's laptop is disabled by the simple expedient of attaching a mouse.

Posted by Kevin McGehee at August 9, 2002 03:54 PM

I don't know if it has a touchpad driver. It's a fairly new machine (about two years old). It doesn't disable when the mouse is attached, but I sure wish it did.

I don't understand why they didn't make it simple to kill it--having it enabled makes it very difficult to type, because my thumbs are always brushing the stupid thing and joggling the cursor around.

Posted by Rand Simberg at August 9, 2002 04:20 PM

There is often a BIOS setting to determine if the auto-disable is active or not.

By definition the touchpad is device that requires a driver. It could be built directly onto the north bridge of the chipset and would none the less be seen by Windows as a distinct entity. It isn't necessary to uninstall. Just go into its properties in Device Manager (assuming Windows) and check off the box labeled for that purpose. This will relegate the touchpad to inactive status until you undo the entry. Be sure to do that before you take the laptop somewhere without a mouse or you'll be relearning how to control Windows solely from the keyboard.

Posted by Eric Pobirs at August 10, 2002 03:08 AM

I hate the touchpad too. Best thing to do is plug in a PS/2 mouse. That will automatically disable the touchpad.

Posted by Jay Caruso at August 10, 2002 11:16 AM

Not on mine. Touchpad remains enabled with mouse plugged in.

Posted by Rand Simberg at August 10, 2002 11:38 AM

Just to check: Rand, are you plugging the mouse into the PS/2 port? Or is it a serial or USB mouse? My HP laptop has a hardware-level override that disables the touchpad only if a PS/2 mouse is attached. Attaching a USB mouse leaves the touchpad active.

There's also a button that will disable the touchpad, but then if you don't have an external mouse you have no pointing device at all. And trying to operate Windows without a mouse always makes me think I've sidestepped into one of Purgatory's medium-nasty levels of punishment.

Posted by wolfwalker at August 11, 2002 06:01 AM

It's a PS-2 mouse, and it's plugged into the PS-2 port. And doing so has no effect on the touchpad (though it seems to me that it should).

Posted by Rand Simberg at August 11, 2002 07:39 AM

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