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Down For The Count?
John Dingell's primary victory in Michigan may have been the final blow for gun-control groups.
Posted by Rand Simberg at August 09, 2002 09:19 AM
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Brady Campaign spokesbabe (last line of story):
"Gun control... was not the loser that everybody likes to say it was."
Can we say "rationalization"?
Posted by Ken Barnes at August 9, 2002 07:49 PM
No, gun control won't go away that easily. Dingle only knocked it down; he didn't but a stake through its heart.
Posted by Mark Byron at August 10, 2002 08:38 AM
The underlying mechanism behind gun control (and I am being deliberately cruel here) is fear of people. It takes an especially timorous and cowardly person to believe that only by applying government restraint to the whole population will he be at ease. I find this attitude repulsive, but what do you expect? I'm one of the cancerous growths these sissies see as threatening civil society.
It would seem more logical to me, if gun ownership is so horrifying, to incarcerate all gun owners. At least Rosie O'Donnell had the intellectual integrity to express just this sentiment. We can excoriate her for her statements, but I salute her for finally putting into words the real feelings of the anti-gun people. We'll need a lot more prison space to lock up the roughly half of the US population that owns firearms, but if that's what it takes to make Sarah Brady feel safe in her home, who am I to cavil?
Posted by Stephen Skubinna at August 10, 2002 03:11 PM
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