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Chaos Is Looking Pretty Darn Good

The Palestinian "leaders" are telling the US that it's "Arafat or chaos."

Posted by Rand Simberg at August 08, 2002 05:30 PM
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I've said that if Europe represents civilization, I'll take barbarism.

I've said that if Brendan O'Neill represents journalism, I'll take ignorance.

Now I'll say that if Arafat represents order, I'll take chaos.

Posted by John "Akatsukami" Braue at August 8, 2002 06:16 PM


That has to be the briefest setup for a strawman argument I've ever seen. The perfect followup to the claim that we shouldn't knock over Iraq because it would destabilize the Middle East.

When the status quo there is as bad as it can be why would the possibility of change, no matter how chaotic, be a threat?

Posted by Eric Pobirs at August 9, 2002 02:26 AM

"Apres moi, le deluge."

Has a sort of Biblical apocalyptic resonance doesn't it?

Posted by Ken Barnes at August 9, 2002 05:22 AM

Ken-"Apres Moi, Le Deluge" was also the badge motto of the Dambusters in World War 2. I like their version better...

Posted by David Paglia at August 9, 2002 05:51 AM

Hmm. Arafat. Chaos. Arafat. Chaos.

Is there a second choice?

Posted by Kevin McGehee at August 9, 2002 06:55 AM

These dummies need to remember that a threat only works when 1) it's more of a promise, because you are capable of carrying it out, and 2) the recipient of the threats cares. While I'm sure that chaos is one of those rare items that the Palestinians are able to create , no one who matters will care.

Then again, these people seem so incompetent and destructive that maybe they can find a way to destroy chaos.

Posted by Raoul Ortega at August 9, 2002 08:13 AM

I don't think you can just stick with someone because the alternative is worse. Sometimes the worst is what's needed to truly turn things around.

Posted by Clark at August 9, 2002 09:16 AM

Don't we already have both?

Posted by Dave Worley at August 9, 2002 11:36 AM

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