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More Ted Williams

Here's another article that does nothing to clarify what Ted Williams actually wanted. But if he signed up himself, why aren't the children producing the documentation?

And here's another article stating that he had no interest in it when he was healthier.

Alcor will take (or at least in the past has taken) patients who were signed up by their families after a declaration of death, but they don't like to have to deal with messy contentious situations like this. It's possible that they didn't know that the daughter would be opposed, and fight it.

And while I've said before that if it were up to me, the default in all cases would be cryonic suspension, I certainly wouldn't force it on someone who didn't want it (while I consider a refusal to take such measures a form of suicide, I believe that people have a right to suicide). If the son and executor can't produce some evidence of Williams' desire to be suspended other than their own word, given the evidence to the contrary, at least from the reportage to date, if I were the judge, I'd allow him to be cremated.

Posted by Rand Simberg at July 21, 2002 07:04 AM
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