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As The Cryonics World Turns

The plot thickens.

Here's an image of the petition filed by the executor of the will. Note that it says that the daughter who wants to thaw and burn Mr. Williams was estranged and cut out of the will. So if, as this story indicates, the family is in negotiation, just what's being negotiated? Is she perhaps extorting the other two siblings for a cut of the estate in exchange for allowing him to remain in cryostasis?

[Update at 7 AM PDT]

Natalie Solent has weighed in on the frozen soul issue as well (as is apparently the rule with blogspot these days, the permalink doesn't work, so just go to her site). She basically agrees with me.

Rand Simberg's picture of there being a storage facility for the "pending" souls is amusingly literal, but has the right idea. Don't worry. God won't be caught napping.
Posted by Rand Simberg at July 17, 2002 06:51 AM
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According to all reports, the eldest daughter's only wish is to see her father's DOCUMENTED wishes honored. The executor of the will has no documentary evidence that Williams wanted to be frozen. Ted's last will in 1996 indicated his wish to be cremated with his remains spread over the deep waters off the Florida coast.

Your theory could be valid - I don't see there being much room for "negotiation" here. But I don't know Ferrell. I do know alot about John Henry - directly from people who have dealt with him as well as via some admittedly apocryphal stories. The man is a Grade A scumbag - I can cite chapter and verse via email if you're interested. You shouldn't let your personal beliefs in the merits of cryonics color your views of the actual people involved.

I think that a more likely explanation is that John Henry was working on a plan to sell his Dad's DNA and spent the better part of the past few years trying to get his feeble-minded father to agree to it. I'm also wondering why, if it was Ted's wish to be frozen, the executor didn't get those wishes down on paper at the time. Wouldn't it be in his best interests as executor of the will to make sure that Ted's wishes were clearly documented? Why make his job as executor any thougher than necessary?

Posted by Matt at July 17, 2002 07:18 AM

The executor claims to have documentary evidence of Mr. Williams's desire to be cryonically suspended--it's just not in the will. For instance, if Mr. Williams did voluntarily sign up with Alcor prior to his death, that would require many witnessed signatures.

And regardless of what you think of John Henry's character, the notion of selling DNA makes no sense. If he wanted to do that, he doesn't need to do a full suspension, and I don't believe that Alcor offers that option as part of their contract. He could have just preserved some hair.

I think that it's possible, and even likely that this is just the sister's way of damaging his credibility.

Posted by Rand Simberg at July 17, 2002 07:37 AM

Rand's right. A little hair and the O.J. Simpson made famous PCR technique to multiply DNA and you've got an endless supply, for real cheap too. No cryonics organization would ever agree to allowing someone to extract DNA for some scheme.

The patients are off limits until the time for revival. Furthermore, allowing acccess would invite accident to their other patients also housed in the same dewer. I assure everyone the cryonics organizations are made of members that believe in it and are vowed to protect their charges.

Lastly, the signup process is lengthy and involved and so T.W. had to be involved. It's my opinion the desenting daughter is in it for the money. It's so obvious. Furthermore, John Henry is a true beleiver who is said to have plans for his own suspension. He probably is wishing to get back time lost not spent with his Dad throughout the earlier part of his life.

Posted by James Swayze at July 22, 2002 12:59 PM

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