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Incoherent Ranting From Richard Reeves

The always-dependable (when it comes to spouting imbecilities) Richard Reeves sends in a missive from whatever planet he inhabits--it's clearly not this one. The basic theme is that Mr. Bush is not up to the job, and that he will therefore be a one-termer.

It's so full of chocolaty stupidity, I hate to excerpt it, but I will anyway. Fortunately, it's short. His talent (as it were) is such that he manages to pack a whole universe of idiocy in a very brief bit of mental flatulence.

This was a day in the life of the president of the United States, Thursday, April 18, 2002:

  • The circumstances of endless savagery in the Middle East forced him to look into a television camera and tell the world that Ariel Sharon (news - web sites) is "a man of peace."

    Well, it seems to me that things have been a lot more peaceful over there in the past couple weeks. At least no more Israeli bat mitzvahs have been interrupted by murderers disassembling themselves.

  • Halfway around the world, on the West Bank, the U.N. peace envoy to the Middle East, a Norwegian hardly given to flamboyant language, one of the first outsiders to inspect Mr. Sharon's recent work, looked into other cameras and said: "Horrifying, horrifying ... Israel has lost all moral ground in this conflict."

    No, he's only given to flamboyent language when the subject is Israel. When it comes to Arafat, and his bomb factories, and his exhortations to murder, and his booby-trapped refugee camps, and his unending lies, and his general violation of every single tenet of the Oslo agreement for which he won his Norwegian peace prize, our Norwegian friend seems to have lost his tongue.

  • In Kabul and Washington, members of the forces commanded by President Bush (news - web sites) had to face the cameras and apologize for the killing of Canadian soldiers, our best friends, by American bombs in yet another friendly-fire incident of the kind that punctuates long-distance, high- tech warfare.

    Yes, Richard. This is war. And even if weren't, people are often killed in training (typically a couple dozen per year in each service, I believe). It is tragic, but these are real weapons, with real explosives, and sometimes things happen. It's not a good day for a President when they do, but it's certainly not a challenge to his presidency.

  • Back on television, the president gave a lecture to the elected president of Venezuela, an incompetent, if charismatic, lefty named Hugo Chavez, who had been overthrown two days before with some help and cheers from the right-wingers running the middle levels of the Bush State Department. Bush warned Chavez that he better do more of what we consider the right things, or we'll get his army after him again.

    Incompetent? He seems to be pretty competent at retaining power, like most thugs. And I didn't hear Mr. Bush say any such thing, but then, as I say, Mr. Reeves lives on a different plane of existence.

From there he drifts off into total incoherence and irrelevance. And when I get to the end, I still don't know why Bush will only serve one term.

Posted by Rand Simberg at April 20, 2002 02:19 PM
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Doesn't Reeves have a travel article he needs to write? One in which he has the magazine subsidize the travel of several dozen family members to some exotic, expensive locale? That's really his forte -- conning glossy travel mag editors, not political commentary.

Posted by Melissa at April 21, 2002 08:12 AM


Posted by Dr.Clausewitz at April 21, 2002 11:47 AM

Is this idiot Reeves American? Enough of the gronola eating liberal banter about war and how it is waged. Until Mr. Reeves puts a ruck on his back and boots on his feet and is slugging it out with an opposing force, he should just shut up. War is ugly and it is even uglier to those who have to wage it. The warrior on the ground does not care about the politics involved, he only cares about his brother on his left and right. How about some support for the MEN (which I do not consider Reeves to be) who have to do this business. Its not their fault.

Posted by Mike Gonzalez at April 26, 2002 12:55 PM

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