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Tinseltown Egos

Instantman points out an amusing post by Happy Fun Pundit (who I really have to permalink one of these days, albeit with an asterisk, as he's a blogspottie) about Hollywood egos and the Academy Awards, and the fact that they aren't all that popular in the "Red" states that voted for Bush.

I've never understood the cult of celebrity. It's always been fairly obvious to me that rising to the top of Hollywood is mostly a matter of luck. Looks and acting ability are certainly necessary, but there are many more people with those qualities than jobs in the industry or room on movie and television screens. If all of Hollywood came down with some kind of plague, replacements would appear within a year. Certainly brains are not a requirement, judging by some of the asinine things that some of these people do and say.

Anyway, I was amused at all of the egotistical concerns about security for the event, as though it would be bin Laden's highest-priority target. I suspect that if terrorists were actually stupid enough to attack this parade of (fortunate) pompous blowhards, at least half the country would cheer.

Posted by Rand Simberg at March 26, 2002 10:02 AM
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Why would Osama attack the Oscar theater? it's full of people who share his hatred for America and American values? He would never risk harming Julia "Bush is not my President" Roberts, or Alec "the Florida Election was as bad as 9/11" Baldwin. Those were his PR people in that theater.

Posted by MarkD at March 26, 2002 03:25 PM

That's what I meant by "if they were stupid enough."

Posted by Rand Simberg at March 26, 2002 04:01 PM

Come on, guys. I know you're not ADVOCATING terrorism at the Academy Awards -- and I agree with the notion that Hollywood is full of blowhards -- but this line of rhetoric sounds dismayingly close to Michael Moore's "why didn't they attack a Bush state" crap.

Don't borrow the left's rhetoric and simply substitute names! It dilutes your ability to debate from the high ground.

Posted by BMc at March 26, 2002 04:31 PM

I'm not saying that they're asking for it, or deserve it (as Michael Moore did). I'm just saying that there are many people who would be less upset than on September 11 if it were to happen, and they're more than a little too full of themselves.

Posted by Rand Simberg at March 26, 2002 04:57 PM

I'm not even saying that, of course all loss of life is tragic, I'm not advocating a terrorist strike at all anyway, simply explaining why I think one would never happen at the Oscars.


Posted by MarkD at March 26, 2002 06:33 PM

Actually, Osama would cheerfully blow up all of Hollywood, no matter how many pinheaded thespians condemned the War on Terrorism. Hollywood stands against everything he believes in. (Well, _believed_ anyway.) Imagine the reaction of surprise on some actress' face as an Ismalofascist terrorist is about to kill her: "B-but... I voted for Nader!"

Posted by Andrea Harris at March 27, 2002 07:38 AM

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