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Moore Is Less

Everyone else has been linking to Lileks' latest handiwork, so I wasn't going to bother, but it occurred to me that it would be funny if every time someone googled "Michael Moore," they would get Lileks' screed instead.

Michael Moore
Michael Moore
Michael Moore
Michael Moore
Michael Moore
Michael Moore
Michael Moore
Michael Moore
Michael Moore

Posted by Rand Simberg at March 21, 2002 01:27 PM
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It seems to me that the Herold googlebomb has been shut down by google. I don't think the Moore one will last long either.

Posted by Matt at March 21, 2002 02:28 PM

Lilek really outdone himself with his Michael Moore screed!

Posted by Dave Worley at March 21, 2002 08:08 PM

Wonderful! That's as zippy a zinging of Rich White Liberal Guilt syndrome as I've seen in a while. I remember when Roger And Me came out years ago. Even Notoriously Pinko Radio said it was unfair to General Motors. Now that's out there!

Posted by The Sanity Inspector at March 22, 2002 11:04 AM

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