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Instapundit, Wholly-Owned Subsidiary Of Steve Case?

Reader Thad McArthur weighs in on the hypocritical Instapundit controversy. He says that Glenn is worse than a hypocrite--he's a fraud.

Like many blogger afficianados, I have been checking in with Instapundit two or three times a day since well before the 9/11 attacks. At first I watched his prolific posting rate with amusement, saying to myself, "He'll never be able to keep this up. Burnout will set in pretty soon."

Surprisingly, he not only maintained the pace but managed to pick it up after the war started. "He's probably stuck in some boring, non-demanding civil service job, with nothing better to do than surf the web all day," I countered. Then it emerges that he's a law professor at a major university, with a busy teaching and publishing schedule. "Probably has no outside interests at all," said I. Nope, turns out he's a musician and record producer on the side.

Finally, I surmised that he's trapped in a loveless marriage to some 300-pound harridan, and that he stays up all night surfing and posting just to avoid having to face her between the sheets. Then this week he posts a photo of a sultry raven-haired vixen and claims she's his wife. This, quite frankly, was too much to believe. No one normal, healthy male could maintain his academic career and his musical interests while resisting the temptations of the comely Mrs. Reynolds long enough to keep up his apparent web reading and posting habits. It simply strains credulity.

My new theory: Instapundit is actually a wholly-owned subsidiary of AOL Time Warner with a staff of thousands.

Naaaahhhh. He's much too high-quality a product to be from that conglomerate.

I'm still going with the cloning theory myself. That's why he's always defending cloning--he knows that if it were really outlawed, he'd be out of business. Or forced offshore, to some hellhole like the Caymans or Barbados or...


Posted by Rand Simberg at February 27, 2002 04:32 PM
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Some people are higher bandwidth than others.

I suspect a high speed internet connection and speed reading myself.

Posted by Trent Telenko at February 27, 2002 07:38 PM

Glenn's a bright guy with a lot of connections.
People send him tips. He skims things that might
be of interest to others. He writes a little bit
every so often.

Not at all hard to understand.

Posted by at March 1, 2002 10:53 AM

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