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Lead Out The Scapegoats?
This may be a first. I actually almost agree with Tom Daschle and disagree with the Administration. He's calling for hearings into the intelligence failure of 911. In theory, this should certainly be done.
I just wish that I had some confidence that the Congress is competent to do this. Based on the Enron situation, it doesn't look promising.
As usual, even if the Plurality Leader is doing the right thing, it's almost certainly for the wrong reason--I suspect that it's just a new and desperate political ploy to try to pin it on this Administration, while abvolving the last one, leading up to the elections in the fall. After all, if one of the Republicans' strongest issues is national defense (which is what spins the voters' propellers these days) then weakening their image in this area would be helpful to the Dems in November.
Posted by Rand Simberg at February 14, 2002 12:01 PM