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Isadore The Cowboy
Will Warren has a wonderful new poem up in honor of a fatuously stupid commentary by FAIR, on how we can no longer handle immigration in this country because we're running out of room.
We?ve all heard tell of Isadore the Cowboy,
Who drove them dogies all across the range;
For Jews, the urban places were a killjoy:
They all became proud members of the Grange.
What's particularly ironic about this is that the Great Plains are actually emptying--states like Nebraska and the Dakotas are declining in population, and the average age is dramatically increasing as young people leave and head for the cities. After settling a frontier a century ago, we're now abandoning it.
It might be a good place to move in libertarian-bent people to start up new communities, if we had a federal government that would follow the Constitution...
Posted by Rand Simberg at February 04, 2002 07:52 AM