Weird New Spam

I’m getting messages like this, addressed to no one I’ve ever heard of, from someone I’ve never heard of, subject: “Out of Office”

"Thank you for your email!

Please note that I will be out of the office (without access to phone or email) until August 26, 2024, and will respond to your email as soon as possible following my return.

If you have a question regarding the CAP, CAPS or Clergy Care programs, or if you would like to complete an intake, please call our office at 905-528-0353. 

If you are in crisis and need to talk to someone, please consider reaching out to COAST at 905-972-8338, or calling 911. Thank you.

Take care,


I (and likely many others) must be on BCC. Any ideas what this is about?

[Update a while later]

I just got a reply to it from some other annoyed person asking to be removed from the distribution list. I haven’t done so, because I’m afraid it’s a phishing expedition to see if my email is real.

Is Kamala Drunk?

It’s not an unreasonable question.

[Update a few minutes later]

How to tell Kamala isn’t polling well.

[Update mid morning]

[Late-morning update]

Still Walking Away

Brandon Straka, six years later:

Linux Problem

I changed my hostname. Upon reboot, neither Brave or Chrome will open. There is no obvious change to my /home directory. Any ideas?

[Update a while later]

After browsing on my laptop, I found the problem (that others have had). After deleting the lockfile in my .config directory that was pointing to the old hostname, they fired right up (Brave uses the Chrome codebase).

CommieLa’s Economic Plan

How it will go:

[Sunday-morning update]

Harris’s Kamunist agenda faces a harsh reality.

She’s a red-diaper baby who learned “economics” at her Marxist father’s knee.

Barbie’s Final Joke

It may have spurred women to seek out gynecological health.

But I’m not sure I agree with this: “In the film’s final scene, after deciding to leave Barbieland for the real world, Barbie enthusiastically tells a receptionist, “I’m here to see my gynecologist,” a joke that could be based either on her supposed lack of genitals or her evident excitement for care many women find unpleasant.” Sénéchal and colleagues write in their paper.

I finally saw the flick on the plane to Miami last week, and that wasn’t my interpretation (spoiler alert). She had just talked to her creator, who told her that she could live in the real world if she wished to. I took her visit to the gyno to mean that, like Pinocchio, she had finally become a real woman. FWIW, I did find the movie an interesting commentary on gender and new-wave feminism and the modern relationship between American (or western) men and women.

Biting Commentary about Infinity…and Beyond!