New Yorker Treason Update

Junaid’s statements and actions could prompt charges which carry the death penalty if he sets foot on U.S. soil again, legal experts said.

“This sounds prosecutable under the Sedition Act,” said former federal prosecutor Sean O’Shea. “It would call for the death penalty.”

Tax Cuts and Terrorism

According to the Washington Post, until the planes hit the towers, the biggest concern in Chelsea Clinton’s life was the simply-horrid notion of letting Americans keep a little more of their own money.

In one passage, Clinton deftly makes clear her Democratic pedigree while embracing bipartisan unity. Venturing out again with Davison, “I was expounding on the detriments of Bush’s tax cut as we approached Grand Central Terminal and were met with hordes of people running out of the station, some crying ‘Fire!’ and ‘Bomb!’ We all were crying. We all thought we were literally going to have fire rain down on us. . . . For a brief moment I truly thought I was going to die.

Once we stopped running, I started praying. I prayed for my country and my city. I stopped berating the tax cut and started praying that the president would rise to lead us. And I thanked God my mother was a senator representing New York and that Rudy Giuliani was our mayor. I have never reacted more viscerally to a leader, particularly not to one I had been criticizing just the day before for some insensitivity or other…”

Sounds more clumsy than deft to me. Is it just me, or does this sound more like some Onion parody of what Chelsea would write? I’ve never had much of an opinion about the young Ms. Clinton other than a little sadness for her that she had to grow up in such a dysfunctional family, but in terms of transparent political opportunism, it appears the apple didn’t fall far from either tree.

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