In addition to the day that we last walked on the Moon, it is another ignominious anniversary–on this day, three years ago, Bill Clinton was impeached. Sadly, the Senate decided to not have a real trial.
It Is Good To Hate The French
That was one of Al Bundy’s favorite sayings. Ann Coulter agrees. She thinks that rather than Iraq or the Sudan, that the land of the Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkeys should be our next conquest–after all, it’ll be easy–they’ve already surrendered…
Crazy Bob’s Rocket Sales
And speaking of making profits in space, Jeff also points out this interesting item for sale at Ebay by Bob Truax.
It doesn’t look like it will leave the atmosphere, but it would be a thrill ride.
Crazy Bob’s Rocket Sales
And speaking of making profits in space, Jeff also points out this interesting item for sale at Ebay by Bob Truax.
It doesn’t look like it will leave the atmosphere, but it would be a thrill ride.
Crazy Bob’s Rocket Sales
And speaking of making profits in space, Jeff also points out this interesting item for sale at Ebay by Bob Truax.
It doesn’t look like it will leave the atmosphere, but it would be a thrill ride.
Another Infamous Anniversary
Jeff Greason of XCOR Aerospace notes that:
29 years ago today, the Apollo 17 mission left the Moon.
We have not been back since. Barring a miracle, the 30th anniversary of the event will pass in similar condition.
No special call to action — but every year, about this time, I note the anniversary. It would be nice if we could arrange some kind of formal observance for the 30th anniversary, although I don’t know what. Ceremonially bury a Saturn V model? Burn Nixon in effigy? I don’t know…
Well, actually the decision had already been made (by the Johnson Administration) by the time he took office, though of course, he could have reversed it. But there was no public support for further Apollo missions, let alone a lunar base. We had beaten the Russians, which was the only reason that NASA got the money to go to the Moon.
Ultimately, when we return to the Moon, it will be because there’s a profit to be made. Jeff and his team, and others, are following that path, which will, in the long run, be a more effective means of opening up space than waiting in futility for a visionary president, particularly given the fickleness of politics.
Why Didn’t They Respect Us?
Charles Krauthammer has a piece in this week’s Time about why we’re winning the war against Islamicism. It was always pointless to ask “Why do they hate us?” They hate us for reasons that we can do nothing about, and still remain ourselves–they hate us because we are not radical Islamicists. The question we should have been asking instead is “Why don’t they respect us”? Well, now they do, and the “Arab street” has been silenced.
We can now, however, carry on with a confidence we did not have before Afghanistan. Confidence that even religious fanaticism can be defeated, that despite its bravado, it carries no mandate from heaven. The psychological effect of our stunning victory in Afghanistan is already evident. We see the beginning of self-reflection in the Arab press, asking what Arab jihadists are doing exporting their problems to places like Afghanistan and the West; wondering why the Arab world uniquely has not developed a single real democracy; and asking, most fundamentally, how a great religion like Islam could have harbored a malignant strain that would rejoice in the death of 3,000 innocents. It is the kind of questioning that Europeans engaged in after World War II (asking how Fascism and Nazism could have been bred in the bosom of European Christianity) but that was sadly lacking in the Islamic world. Until now.
Why Didn’t They Respect Us?
Charles Krauthammer has a piece in this week’s Time about why we’re winning the war against Islamicism. It was always pointless to ask “Why do they hate us?” They hate us for reasons that we can do nothing about, and still remain ourselves–they hate us because we are not radical Islamicists. The question we should have been asking instead is “Why don’t they respect us”? Well, now they do, and the “Arab street” has been silenced.
We can now, however, carry on with a confidence we did not have before Afghanistan. Confidence that even religious fanaticism can be defeated, that despite its bravado, it carries no mandate from heaven. The psychological effect of our stunning victory in Afghanistan is already evident. We see the beginning of self-reflection in the Arab press, asking what Arab jihadists are doing exporting their problems to places like Afghanistan and the West; wondering why the Arab world uniquely has not developed a single real democracy; and asking, most fundamentally, how a great religion like Islam could have harbored a malignant strain that would rejoice in the death of 3,000 innocents. It is the kind of questioning that Europeans engaged in after World War II (asking how Fascism and Nazism could have been bred in the bosom of European Christianity) but that was sadly lacking in the Islamic world. Until now.
Why Didn’t They Respect Us?
Charles Krauthammer has a piece in this week’s Time about why we’re winning the war against Islamicism. It was always pointless to ask “Why do they hate us?” They hate us for reasons that we can do nothing about, and still remain ourselves–they hate us because we are not radical Islamicists. The question we should have been asking instead is “Why don’t they respect us”? Well, now they do, and the “Arab street” has been silenced.
We can now, however, carry on with a confidence we did not have before Afghanistan. Confidence that even religious fanaticism can be defeated, that despite its bravado, it carries no mandate from heaven. The psychological effect of our stunning victory in Afghanistan is already evident. We see the beginning of self-reflection in the Arab press, asking what Arab jihadists are doing exporting their problems to places like Afghanistan and the West; wondering why the Arab world uniquely has not developed a single real democracy; and asking, most fundamentally, how a great religion like Islam could have harbored a malignant strain that would rejoice in the death of 3,000 innocents. It is the kind of questioning that Europeans engaged in after World War II (asking how Fascism and Nazism could have been bred in the bosom of European Christianity) but that was sadly lacking in the Islamic world. Until now.
The ABM Plot Thickens
Loon^H^H^H^Hanalyst Joel Skausen has the real scoop on why Bush is abrogating the ABM Treaty. He wants to force Putin into a decapitating first strike before it’s too late, so that the Trilateralists can then institute a World Government. You’ll never get this story from the Grey Old Lady.
Sometimes I wonder if Republican operatives pay people to publish this kind of stuff to keep Bush in the center, under fire from both sides…