An eighteen-year-old (barely a) woman is going to be stoned to death for adultery under Sharia law in the Sudan. She was tried in a language not her own, she is a Christian, and the man who did the deed went free.
A Farewell To Legs
Well, they just took away one of the reasons to watch the winter Olympics. No more female limbs akimbo or crotch shots in the ice skating competition.
We’ve certainly come a long way from when the games used to be played in the nude. Of course, I wouldn’t have been particularly interested, since it was all guys then…
More Good Signs On Campus
There’s a nice opinion piece in yesterday’s Brown Daily by Joshua Skolnic, on his recovery from Clinton infatuation. I wonder if this repentence is spreading?
When Are You Moving Back To Europe, Maddie?
Yet another reason to be thankful that the Clinton Administration is no longer the administration. The oddly misnamed Madeleine Albright channels the Euroweenies.
“First of all they (Iran, Iraq and North Korea) are very different from each other,” said Albright, who was Secretary of State in the Clinton administration.
Of course they are, but their similarities are much greater than their differences, and those similarities are more than sufficient to justify Bush’s characterization of them.
In the case of Iraq, Albright said the United States had been trying to contain President Saddam Hussein since 1991 and strong action was necessary. However, the situation with Iran was more complicated and the United States needed Tehran’s help in dealing with Afghanistan.
You mean help, as in not undermining the new government? They don’t seem interested in offering that kind of help. Perhaps a new government in Tehran would be an improvement?
Looking at North Korea, Albright said it was a mistake to walk away from that communist state. The United States has attempted to hold talks with North Korea about its weapons program but that process has gone nowhere.
No kidding.
I wonder why. Could it be because the folks who run the place are duplicitous Stalinist monsters, with no interest except their own power, and are only marginally sane? Nawww.
“When we left office, we left the potential of a verifiable agreement to stop the export of missile technology abroad on the table. I think it’s a mistake to walk away from that. We know that North Korea is dangerous but lumping those three countries together is dangerous,” she said.
In what way, Maddie? Just because we lump them together rhetorically doesn’t mean that we have to follow exactly similar policies toward them. I know it’s hard for you to understand, but it’s actually possible to deal with them together rhetorically, while still handling them separately, in an appropriate time and manner for each.
Anyway, I’m not sure why anyone in the current administration should be interested in your opinions on this, or any other matter. They’re kind of busy right now, cleaning up the mess that you left them.
The New Coalition Is Forming
King Abdullah of Jordan seems to be on board.
I’m wondering just what Powell promised him behind closed doors. A guarantee of defense against Iraq and Syria?
The Arabian Peninsula?
Be afraid, House of Saud. Be very afraid…
The Blog God
I had my biggest day ever yesterday for hits–over 3000 (twice the previous day’s total), thanks to the Instapundit. Half of them were on my post about the Euroweenies.
I’m trying to imagine what a thrill of power it must give Glenn to sit up there on Olympus, hurling down thunderbolt-like links–able to bring servers to their knees with a few flicks of his fingers…
I just hope he continues to use it for good, and not evil.
Up From Down Under
Just one more–for you Ozzies who are interested in your own space activities, I see that they now have a web page up for the Christmas Island launch facility.
The “Right” Stuff
Sorry to burden my gentle readers with Yet Another Space Policy Post, but over at Spaceref, Keith Cowing has a description of NASA’s new criteria for public space travelers, at least those planning to travel to the International Space Station. I find it quite troubling, and hope that my readers will as well.
“ISS crewmembers shall refrain from any use of the position of ISS crewmember that is motivated, or has the appearance of being motivated, by private gain, including financial gain, for himself or herself or other persons or entities. Performance of ISS duties shall not be considered to be motivated by private gain. Furthermore, no ISS crewmember shall use the position of ISS crewmember in any way to coerce, or give the appearance of coercing, another person to provide any financial benefit to himself or herself or other persons or entities.”
As Keith points out, this could have a potentially chilling effect on any commercial activities aboard the station. Can’t have any of that free enterprise stuff up there…
Also, there are some criteria that might be usable for arbitrarily keeping people off the station:
The following list defines some of the factors that would be considered as a basis for disqualification: (a) delinquency or misconduct in prior employment/military service; (b) criminal, dishonest, infamous, or notoriously disgraceful conduct; (c) intentional false statement or fraud in examination or appointment; (d) habitual use of intoxicating beverages to excess; (e) abuse of narcotics, drugs, or other controlled substances;(f) membership or sponsorship in organizations which adversely affect the confidence of the public in the integrity of, or reflecting unfavorably in a public forum on, any ISS Partner, Partner State or Cooperating Agency.”
Well, (b) would certainly exclude Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy, (c) would get Mr. Clinton again, and (d) would exclude Kennedy and a goodly proportion of the Congress.
But as Keith also points out, (f) is the most disturbing. It would, as he says, potentially preclude his being allowed to go. And perhaps me…
The “Right” Stuff
Sorry to burden my gentle readers with Yet Another Space Policy Post, but over at Spaceref, Keith Cowing has a description of NASA’s new criteria for public space travelers, at least those planning to travel to the International Space Station. I find it quite troubling, and hope that my readers will as well.
“ISS crewmembers shall refrain from any use of the position of ISS crewmember that is motivated, or has the appearance of being motivated, by private gain, including financial gain, for himself or herself or other persons or entities. Performance of ISS duties shall not be considered to be motivated by private gain. Furthermore, no ISS crewmember shall use the position of ISS crewmember in any way to coerce, or give the appearance of coercing, another person to provide any financial benefit to himself or herself or other persons or entities.”
As Keith points out, this could have a potentially chilling effect on any commercial activities aboard the station. Can’t have any of that free enterprise stuff up there…
Also, there are some criteria that might be usable for arbitrarily keeping people off the station:
The following list defines some of the factors that would be considered as a basis for disqualification: (a) delinquency or misconduct in prior employment/military service; (b) criminal, dishonest, infamous, or notoriously disgraceful conduct; (c) intentional false statement or fraud in examination or appointment; (d) habitual use of intoxicating beverages to excess; (e) abuse of narcotics, drugs, or other controlled substances;(f) membership or sponsorship in organizations which adversely affect the confidence of the public in the integrity of, or reflecting unfavorably in a public forum on, any ISS Partner, Partner State or Cooperating Agency.”
Well, (b) would certainly exclude Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy, (c) would get Mr. Clinton again, and (d) would exclude Kennedy and a goodly proportion of the Congress.
But as Keith also points out, (f) is the most disturbing. It would, as he says, potentially preclude his being allowed to go. And perhaps me…
The “Right” Stuff
Sorry to burden my gentle readers with Yet Another Space Policy Post, but over at Spaceref, Keith Cowing has a description of NASA’s new criteria for public space travelers, at least those planning to travel to the International Space Station. I find it quite troubling, and hope that my readers will as well.
“ISS crewmembers shall refrain from any use of the position of ISS crewmember that is motivated, or has the appearance of being motivated, by private gain, including financial gain, for himself or herself or other persons or entities. Performance of ISS duties shall not be considered to be motivated by private gain. Furthermore, no ISS crewmember shall use the position of ISS crewmember in any way to coerce, or give the appearance of coercing, another person to provide any financial benefit to himself or herself or other persons or entities.”
As Keith points out, this could have a potentially chilling effect on any commercial activities aboard the station. Can’t have any of that free enterprise stuff up there…
Also, there are some criteria that might be usable for arbitrarily keeping people off the station:
The following list defines some of the factors that would be considered as a basis for disqualification: (a) delinquency or misconduct in prior employment/military service; (b) criminal, dishonest, infamous, or notoriously disgraceful conduct; (c) intentional false statement or fraud in examination or appointment; (d) habitual use of intoxicating beverages to excess; (e) abuse of narcotics, drugs, or other controlled substances;(f) membership or sponsorship in organizations which adversely affect the confidence of the public in the integrity of, or reflecting unfavorably in a public forum on, any ISS Partner, Partner State or Cooperating Agency.”
Well, (b) would certainly exclude Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy, (c) would get Mr. Clinton again, and (d) would exclude Kennedy and a goodly proportion of the Congress.
But as Keith also points out, (f) is the most disturbing. It would, as he says, potentially preclude his being allowed to go. And perhaps me…