I see that Instapundit is still talking about Hashemite restoration.
From the Jerusalem Post article he cites:
The answer is to dismember Iraq, create an independent Kurdistan in its northern third, which could be viable with the oil reserves in that area, and give the southern two-thirds to Jordan, as payment for its readiness to incorporate the Palestinian territories. That would constitute a fulfillment of the post-World War I dream of the Hashemites – who were driven out of Hejaz by the Saudis – to rule a major kingdom from the Jordan River in the West to the border of Iran to the east.
That’s all well and good, but the problem is, the Turks have their own Kurdish separatist problem, and I can’t see them being willing to go along with any deal that creates an independent Kurdistan–it would be too destabilizing in eastern Turkey. There’s got to be some kind of deal sweetener for them, too.
[Update on Monday morning]
An alert reader notes that my title is mistaken. The capital is, of course, not Instanbul, but Ankara.