Mark Steyn’s been down to Toys bin Us, and he has the latest on all the new culturally-correct Barbies.
I hadn’t commented on this previously, partly out of disgust, and partly because others had, but there’s a new twist on it.
The original story is that a woman hit a man with her car. He flew up on the hood and through the windshield, and was trapped there, bleeding. What did she do? She drove home with him impaled thusly, parked the car in her garage, telling no one, and left him there for two days to die from insanguination and his injuries (coming out occasionally to apologize, but not to offer any assistance whatsoever). After this, she and some associates disposed of the body.
Now, new facts come out, which were previously not reported (at least, I hadn’t seen them). She is of African American descent. He was…not.
She reportedly told friends, “I hit this white man.”
Now imagine if the skin hues were reversed. This wouldn’t be the last fact to be reported–it would be the first. And the NAACP mobs would have been out for blood, screaming in the streets and filling all available media bandwidth with cries for “hate-crime” legislation.
Now, I say this only to point out more evidence of media bias in favor of the race baiters–I don’t actually care what color either of them was.
But even without knowing the circumstances of the auto accident, I think that she should be charged not just with hit and run, not just with failure to provide aid and assistance. She should be charged with abduction, torture and murder, and she should be put away for a very long time.
Extravaganza On Ice
The tiny town of Nederland, Colorado, is cashing in on the fact that they made Trygve Bauge’s life hell several years ago, when he tried to store his cryonically-suspended grandfather there and they made such acts illegal (though they literally “grandfathered” his particular case). They’ve decided to have a “frozen guy” festival.
I’m not sure how to react to this. At least they’re taking it in good humor now, and aren’t coming after cryonicists with torches and pitchforks. And as anyone who’s ever read the Cryonics mailing list knows, Trygve is kind of a loon.
But it makes light of a serious issue–when is a person really dead, and should the government be making it illegal to try to preserve the information that constitutes a person?
Steely Outrage Of Bush Fans
For those who think that the so-called conservative pundits aren’t coming down on Bush with both feet over his STUPID steel tariff decision, check out Tim Blair’s Fox News column today, or go listen to Rush Limbaugh, who is fuming.
I’m Shocked, Shocked…
John Weaver, John McCain’s long-time political strategist, has decided to switch to Democrat.
What took you so long?
(link only available to subscribers)
I’m Shocked, Shocked…
John Weaver, John McCain’s long-time political strategist, has decided to switch to Democrat.
What took you so long?
(link only available to subscribers)
I’m Shocked, Shocked…
John Weaver, John McCain’s long-time political strategist, has decided to switch to Democrat.
What took you so long?
(link only available to subscribers)
Norm Mineta Knows Best
I made the mistake of listening to NPR again this morning, and they had a story about airline security that had me chewing ten-penny nails, due to both the story itself, and their coverage of it.
I only caught the tail end, but apparently some federal Air Marshals arrived late for an American flight, and tried to commandeer seats in first class, insisting that the passengers whose seats they wanted be put off the plane. Their excuse was that they needed to be able to see the cockpit. The airline had given them aisle seats in the front of coach, with a clear view, but that wasn’t good enough for them. Perhaps they wanted to get the free booze, to complement their intoxication with power. The airline didn’t let them get away with it, but it wasn’t clear what the outcome was (the story’s over at NPR in audio, but my sound card is on the fritz right now).
But what really fried me was the ending. The reporter says that there’s an inherent tension between the government, which wants to fight terrorism, and the airlines, who want to generate revenue.
She really said it, just like that. As though the airline has no intrinsic interest in fighting terrorism, as though they’d cheerfully set up charter flights full of Al Qaeda operatives, even help them plan the flight, from takeoff to skyscraper, as long as they got paid.
She got it precisely reversed, of course. The airlines are taking a balanced approach–they are interested in both fighting terrorism and staying in business, whereas the government, at least if we are to judge by its actions, has no interest in the financial health of the industry whatsoever.
This reminds me of the old arguments about how we needed more government regulation on aircraft maintenance and procedures, because in its absence, the airlines would cut corners, and skimp, and crash airplanes, and kill people.
It never seems to occur to these nimrods that crashing airplanes is bad for business. For some unaccountable reason, people don’t like to fly on airlines whose planes fall out of the sky with any regularity. Insurance carriers won’t give very good rates to airlines whose airplanes have to be replaced often. Airlines will have trouble hiring employees who feel that they’re taking their lives in their hands on every trip.
No one has more incentive than an airline to make an aircraft safe, whether from mechanical failure, or from nutballs with box cutters.
On the other hand, government bureaucrats will fanatically seek safety, to the exclusion of all else, including the rights of passengers and their willingness to tolerate the disastrous state of air travel today, because they know that if there is another hijacking, they’ll be blamed, particularly now that air security has been made a federal responsibility.
But no bureaucrat will suffer if an airline goes under–there are too many other excuses that they can use to deflect blame.
And no bureaucrat will lose his job because of marketing trips not made, hands not shaken, deals not done, acquaintances not made, wealth and jobs not created, because it’s just gotten to be too much of a pain in the ass to fly. But the damage to the economy will continue unabated and silently.
This is another reason why the federalization of this function has been, and is going to continue to be, so disastrous for the industry–there’s no counterbalance to the madness.
Afflicting The Uncomfortable
Lileks is disturbingly, invariably good, but today’s bleat is great. Particularly the part about Our Boy Ted.
Bellicose Coeds
Here’s a little whining in the Paper Formerly Known As The Paper Of Record about the fact that handguns have become fashionable among coeds at Mt. Holyoke.
Defenders of guns can intelligently argue that, as with fast cars, the pleasures of gun ownership are worth the increased mortality. That is an opinion with which one can agree or disagree. Likewise, it is true that the overwhelming majority of guns will be used responsibly (from the point of view of everyone except hungry coyotes). But it is pointless to try to deny the link between more handguns and increased murder and suicide.
Pointless? I suppose. Unless you’re actually familiar with the data and statistics…