Hate Speech Alert

No, not the kind of “hate speech” that they ignorantly rage about on campus.

I’m talking about the misuse of the word “hate” to promote political agendas and shut down reasoned discussion. Like this poster over at the Arab American Institute’s web site.

Even ignoring the appropriation of the Twin Towers icon for their cause, just who are they talking about here? Who of any consequence has been expressing hatred of Arab Americans?

One thing for sure, we know that it isn’t the people over in Gaza who chant “Death to America, Death to Israel,” is it?

I Don’t Think He’s Going To Vote For Him

Hugh Hewitt has a less than high opinion of Governor Gray “Grayout” Davis.

Gray Davis is simply the worst governor in California history. But for the leaders of the segregationist south, he would be at the top of the list of the worst governors in American history. He lacks even a single redeeming quality. Davis is without vision, boldness, courage or intellect. His advisers are non-entities collecting checks and serving time. The Democrats in the Capitol despise Davis even more than the Republicans do ? in a way that only estranged spouses can. The media laugh and laugh at Gov. Clouseau, but dutifully file copy on his latest pronouncements.

Don’t hold back–tell ’em what you really think, Hugh.

I Don’t Think He’s Going To Vote For Him

Hugh Hewitt has a less than high opinion of Governor Gray “Grayout” Davis.

Gray Davis is simply the worst governor in California history. But for the leaders of the segregationist south, he would be at the top of the list of the worst governors in American history. He lacks even a single redeeming quality. Davis is without vision, boldness, courage or intellect. His advisers are non-entities collecting checks and serving time. The Democrats in the Capitol despise Davis even more than the Republicans do ? in a way that only estranged spouses can. The media laugh and laugh at Gov. Clouseau, but dutifully file copy on his latest pronouncements.

Don’t hold back–tell ’em what you really think, Hugh.

I Don’t Think He’s Going To Vote For Him

Hugh Hewitt has a less than high opinion of Governor Gray “Grayout” Davis.

Gray Davis is simply the worst governor in California history. But for the leaders of the segregationist south, he would be at the top of the list of the worst governors in American history. He lacks even a single redeeming quality. Davis is without vision, boldness, courage or intellect. His advisers are non-entities collecting checks and serving time. The Democrats in the Capitol despise Davis even more than the Republicans do ? in a way that only estranged spouses can. The media laugh and laugh at Gov. Clouseau, but dutifully file copy on his latest pronouncements.

Don’t hold back–tell ’em what you really think, Hugh.

I Say It’s Not A Sport, And To Heck With It

Mark Steyn, loyal Great White Northian, lambasted the Olympics yesterday. Stick a fork in them–they’re done.

This apparently is why pairs skating is big business: The audience projects its own romantic fancies on to the couples, no matter how fantastical it might be, especially in the case of some of those ice-dancing chaps. It’s hard to imbue any other Olympic sport with affairs of the heart. Few of us watch the two-man luge and coo, “Oh, it’s so romantic! Look at how the top guy arches his back to avoid crushing the bottom guy’s nuts! It’s obvious they’re in love!”


I thought in the men’s competition Tim Goebel’s “American In Paris” routine was tops, but the judges hammered him in the “presentation” marks. By “presentation,” it seems they resented the way he didn’t flounce around twirling his arms and waggling his hips. The experts argue that the public doesn’t understand the “technical” considerations, but in this instance the technical considerations boil down to mandatory screaming campness: You don’t stand a chance unless you queen about like some bitch waiter at Miami Beach enraged at being told to hold the curly endive.

I Say It’s Not A Sport, And To Heck With It

Mark Steyn, loyal Great White Northian, lambasted the Olympics yesterday. Stick a fork in them–they’re done.

This apparently is why pairs skating is big business: The audience projects its own romantic fancies on to the couples, no matter how fantastical it might be, especially in the case of some of those ice-dancing chaps. It’s hard to imbue any other Olympic sport with affairs of the heart. Few of us watch the two-man luge and coo, “Oh, it’s so romantic! Look at how the top guy arches his back to avoid crushing the bottom guy’s nuts! It’s obvious they’re in love!”


I thought in the men’s competition Tim Goebel’s “American In Paris” routine was tops, but the judges hammered him in the “presentation” marks. By “presentation,” it seems they resented the way he didn’t flounce around twirling his arms and waggling his hips. The experts argue that the public doesn’t understand the “technical” considerations, but in this instance the technical considerations boil down to mandatory screaming campness: You don’t stand a chance unless you queen about like some bitch waiter at Miami Beach enraged at being told to hold the curly endive.

I Say It’s Not A Sport, And To Heck With It

Mark Steyn, loyal Great White Northian, lambasted the Olympics yesterday. Stick a fork in them–they’re done.

This apparently is why pairs skating is big business: The audience projects its own romantic fancies on to the couples, no matter how fantastical it might be, especially in the case of some of those ice-dancing chaps. It’s hard to imbue any other Olympic sport with affairs of the heart. Few of us watch the two-man luge and coo, “Oh, it’s so romantic! Look at how the top guy arches his back to avoid crushing the bottom guy’s nuts! It’s obvious they’re in love!”


I thought in the men’s competition Tim Goebel’s “American In Paris” routine was tops, but the judges hammered him in the “presentation” marks. By “presentation,” it seems they resented the way he didn’t flounce around twirling his arms and waggling his hips. The experts argue that the public doesn’t understand the “technical” considerations, but in this instance the technical considerations boil down to mandatory screaming campness: You don’t stand a chance unless you queen about like some bitch waiter at Miami Beach enraged at being told to hold the curly endive.

No Wonder Slobo Likes It

Here’s one for the utterly absurd file. A Manila man was shot to death for mocking another man’s karaoke rendition of “My Way.”

Newspapers have said Philippine karaoke parlors have been removing “My Way” from play lists because fights frequently broke out–for unfathomable reasons–when the song was sung.

The song seems to drive many drunken men to commit anything from slight physical injuries to homicide, reports said.

More Wrong Stuff

According to Financial Times, NASA is poised to become a management consultant.

That’s right–NASA. You know, the agency that currently has an overrun of five billion dollars and counting on the International Space Station?

Nasa has teamed up with AT Kearney, the international consulting firm, to encourage manufacturers to adopt the sort of project management used for shuttle missions or space walks.

Would those be the Shuttle missions that cost between five hundred million and a billion dollars each?

I’d like to find out who the clients are going to be so I can short them. Maybe I’ll start with some puts on AT Kearney…

Biting Commentary about Infinity…and Beyond!