
Matt Welch has a nice little rant about the disgusting practice of journalists letting their subjects edit their own stories. Fair enough.

But something that I’ve never understood is most journalists’ unwillingness to even allow their subjects to review and comment on the stories prior to publication. If they would do this, there would be many fewer boneheaded articles being written (particularly on matters scientific, but also matters simply factual) by journalists who don’t know what they’re talking about. I’m not saying that they should have to make changes, or accept editing–just that they should be willing to accept suggestions and use their own judgment as to whether or not to make the changes.

If I were writing an article, I would certainly want to get as much input as possible before finalizing it and avoid making myself look like a fool. I don’t understand why journalists don’t have that attitude. Is it something in the water in J School?

This problem extends, by the way, to movie directors. I see many stupid, incredible scientific blunders in many movies that are simply pointless. They don’t make for a better story, they don’t advance the plot, the movie would be dramatically just as good if they get the science right instead of wrong. And it wouldn’t make people like me think that they’re fools.

And it’s not even a matter of not having the expertise available–I’ve seen really stupid films made, supposedly with consulting by NASA. One suspects that they listen to the advice, shrug their shoulders, and then do it the way they want anyway. They’re, after all, the artists–what do those science geeks know?

Unfortunately, there probably aren’t enough people (like me) who care for the market to work and punish them sufficiently to get them to change. But the problem is, even if most people don’t mind (or notice) that things don’t make sense, it simply continues to reinforce scientific ignorance and innumeracy on the part of the populace.


I hadn’t commented on this previously, partly out of disgust, and partly because others had, but there’s a new twist on it.

The original story is that a woman hit a man with her car. He flew up on the hood and through the windshield, and was trapped there, bleeding. What did she do? She drove home with him impaled thusly, parked the car in her garage, telling no one, and left him there for two days to die from insanguination and his injuries (coming out occasionally to apologize, but not to offer any assistance whatsoever). After this, she and some associates disposed of the body.

Now, new facts come out, which were previously not reported (at least, I hadn’t seen them). She is of African American descent. He was…not.

She reportedly told friends, “I hit this white man.”

Now imagine if the skin hues were reversed. This wouldn’t be the last fact to be reported–it would be the first. And the NAACP mobs would have been out for blood, screaming in the streets and filling all available media bandwidth with cries for “hate-crime” legislation.

Now, I say this only to point out more evidence of media bias in favor of the race baiters–I don’t actually care what color either of them was.

But even without knowing the circumstances of the auto accident, I think that she should be charged not just with hit and run, not just with failure to provide aid and assistance. She should be charged with abduction, torture and murder, and she should be put away for a very long time.

Extravaganza On Ice

The tiny town of Nederland, Colorado, is cashing in on the fact that they made Trygve Bauge’s life hell several years ago, when he tried to store his cryonically-suspended grandfather there and they made such acts illegal (though they literally “grandfathered” his particular case). They’ve decided to have a “frozen guy” festival.

I’m not sure how to react to this. At least they’re taking it in good humor now, and aren’t coming after cryonicists with torches and pitchforks. And as anyone who’s ever read the Cryonics mailing list knows, Trygve is kind of a loon.

But it makes light of a serious issue–when is a person really dead, and should the government be making it illegal to try to preserve the information that constitutes a person?

Biting Commentary about Infinity…and Beyond!