The Next Front

Check out this piece by Krauthammer. It explains, using the example of the tinder-box of Lebanon, why there will never be a “land for peace” with the Palestinians on the West Bank, at least not until we’ve lanced the infection of terrorism there. Depressing, but accurate.

Florida Bombshell?

I’m seeing some reports from people on the ground in Florida that a story’s going to break tomorrow that Juan Gonzales (remember, Elian’s poppa?) requested asylum three times from Janet “Roast the Waco Kids” Reno while he was holed up in the Cuban embassy in DC, and was repeatedly denied.

The implications for both the integrity of the INS during the Clinton administration, and Janet’s gubernatorial bid, are immense.

[Wednesday morning update]

While it isn’t direct confirmation of the original rumor, the Miami Herald is reporting that INS was considering granting asylum to Elian, because there was some evidence that Poppa had requested it for himself. The real news, though, is that Doris Meissner ordered the relevant memo destroyed the day after it was written, and furthermore, ordered that no more written communications on the subject occur.

I wonder if Ms. Meissner’s phone logs are available, and if they’ll show any calls from the White House?

They’re Only Dead Bodies

According to this piece from the Jerusalem Post, the stories about Israelis not allowing ambulances through is bogus. It’s the Palestinians who are preventing it, for propaganda purposes.

Now admittedly, this is an Israeli newspaper, but the Palestinians have admitted to, indeed rejoiced in, the deaths of murder-bombers. Why should we not think that they’d unflinchingly use already-dead bodies to advance their cause?

They’re Only Dead Bodies

According to this piece from the Jerusalem Post, the stories about Israelis not allowing ambulances through is bogus. It’s the Palestinians who are preventing it, for propaganda purposes.

Now admittedly, this is an Israeli newspaper, but the Palestinians have admitted to, indeed rejoiced in, the deaths of murder-bombers. Why should we not think that they’d unflinchingly use already-dead bodies to advance their cause?

They’re Only Dead Bodies

According to this piece from the Jerusalem Post, the stories about Israelis not allowing ambulances through is bogus. It’s the Palestinians who are preventing it, for propaganda purposes.

Now admittedly, this is an Israeli newspaper, but the Palestinians have admitted to, indeed rejoiced in, the deaths of murder-bombers. Why should we not think that they’d unflinchingly use already-dead bodies to advance their cause?

Get Them Into Anger Management…

Don’t ask me why, but I’m listening to Jerry Rivers on Greta’s show. The internal idiocy pressure has built up, and the pressure relief valve below his nose has opened.

He repeats the same nonsense that we hear from most liberal commentators. It’s difficult to make peace because we have two people–Sharon and Arafat–who hate each other too much to make a deal. That’s the problem–it’s just a personality conflict.

No, Jerry, it’s not a personality conflict. It doesn’t matter who’s in charge of Israel. Yasser is not going to do any deal that doesn’t position him to destroy Israel. Period. End of sentence.

What you have is one leader who wants his state to survive, and another who wants that same state to end. There is no compromise here. Arafat doesn’t (just) want a Palestinian state. He wants a permanent solution to the problem of a Jewish state in any land that he considers Palestine. Until Jerry, and the other journalists, recognize this fundamental fact, the reportage from the region will continue to be skewed and bizarre.

Obscene Moral Equivalency

According to this story from AP, campus idiotarians are protesting Israeli policies. I weep at such a blatant display of historical ignorance:

Students for Justice in Palestine likened the current Mideast violence to the Holocaust — only with the Palestinians as the victims. They also called for the university to divest any Israel-related investments.

They are equating chasing down terrorists and enemy soldiers cravenly hiding among civilian populations, with putting men, women and children into trains and shipping them off to be shot, or gassed. As someone who probably lost relatives in the latter manner, I am beyond outrage.

“This really should be Holocaust prevention day,” said Sarah Weir, a 23-year-old cognitive science major.

I read stuff like this, and I just want to take them by the shoulders and shake them until the oatmeal that passes for cognitive machinery comes out of their ears.

A cognitive science major? She should stop studying thinking for a while, and just try doing it instead. But one wonders if she has the equipment for it.

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