“Isn’tapundit” (not to be confused with the established brand, and who really needs to get more readable colors on his site) aka Tom “Dipnut” Perry, has posted a much more detailed analysis of Fukuyama’s latest, in which his slam at libertarians as Simon Legrees is the least of the problems.
It’s Not Just The Slavery, Stupid
“Isn’tapundit” (not to be confused with the established brand, and who really needs to get more readable colors on his site) aka Tom “Dipnut” Perry, has posted a much more detailed analysis of Fukuyama’s latest, in which his slam at libertarians as Simon Legrees is the least of the problems.
It’s Not Just The Slavery, Stupid
“Isn’tapundit” (not to be confused with the established brand, and who really needs to get more readable colors on his site) aka Tom “Dipnut” Perry, has posted a much more detailed analysis of Fukuyama’s latest, in which his slam at libertarians as Simon Legrees is the least of the problems.
Why Fortuyn Struck A Chord
There’s an interesting thread over at Free Republic, ostensibly posted by a Freeper in the Netherlands, about a group grope in a public swimming pool. The original article is in Dutch, which, while my sister lives near Hilversum, is not a language that I can translate confidently. But it’s there for those who want to see the original. The commentary itself is interesting.
An excerpt from the English translation provided by the poster:
The direction of ‘De Tongelreep’ took stringent precautions five years ago after especially boys from immigrant descent regularly sexually assaulted girls. Most perpetrators have to undergo therapy and learn how to adapt to Dutch moral standards.
Also all other swimming pools in the Netherlands seem to have these kind of problems. “Some guests have to learn to keep their fingers to themselves, not to touch the girls. We do not tolerate this behavior”, says Heesterbeek.
“…learn how to adapt to Dutch moral standards…” How quaint. I guess that means, among other things, to respect women, which is something that they’ve had a rough time getting their Islamic immigrants to accept. “Immigrant” in this case, I think we can safely assume, is code for “Muslim immigrant.”
One person is claiming that the saying over there now is “the bullet came from the left.”
Why Am I Not Surprised?
Drudge says that David Brock has been committed to a mental ward.
More Blustering From Cyclops Omar
Our favorite homeless mullah says that they’re just waiting for a shipment of anti-aircraft missiles, and then they’ll chase the infidels out. There was no discussion as to whether or not he was still living in his car. Maybe it’s been repossessed.
Tenet Out, Woolsey In?
If this happens, I’ll know that the Administration is serious about fixing our intelligence problems.
Messiah Complex
Robert Musil is appropriately brutal on Senator Jim “Benedict Arnold” Jeffords’ recent bout of megalomania.
Set Bemusement Level To “Stun”
A guy in California has actually patented a phaser that can stun from a distance. The UK defence forces are interested.
[Update at 2:57 PM PDT]
I should add, that I don’t think it will work. The ability to transmit a charge through such a “tunnel” has been demonstrated, but I think that it’s unlikely that it would reliably “stun” an individual. It would need a lot of power, which means a heavy battery pack, and even then, the effects on human physiology would be unpredictable. It might render him unconscious, it might kill him, it might make him mad. Life’s not like the movies…
Set Bemusement Level To “Stun”
A guy in California has actually patented a phaser that can stun from a distance. The UK defence forces are interested.
[Update at 2:57 PM PDT]
I should add, that I don’t think it will work. The ability to transmit a charge through such a “tunnel” has been demonstrated, but I think that it’s unlikely that it would reliably “stun” an individual. It would need a lot of power, which means a heavy battery pack, and even then, the effects on human physiology would be unpredictable. It might render him unconscious, it might kill him, it might make him mad. Life’s not like the movies…