More Cosmic Billiards Commentary

As he promised, Brink Lindsey has come quickly up to speed on the asteroid question. It’s a good survey of the problem with some good recommendations, and I appreciate his commendation of my knowledge, but there are many who both follow this issue, and are more knowledgeable about it than me. I’ve just been fortunate enough to have a venue (here and Fox News) to sound the trumpet. Now that Brink has taken up the cudgel, we can make some serious public-policy progress.

(And I don’t know whether or not I’m smarter than Jay Manifold or not, but again I appreciate the thought and I doubt that I know more about this particular issue than he does.)

He makes one other point.

One final thought: I think it’s interesting that the enviro’s haven’t gotten hold of this issue. They’re suckers for apocalyptic scenarios, and asteroid or comet impacts offer real and plausible threats of ecological catastrophe. So why aren’t the greens all over this? Their apathy would seem to be solid evidence for the proposition that the environmental movement is often motivated more by hostility to technology and markets than by love of nature. Because here’s a threat to nature that can’t be laid at the doorstep of capitalism, and that can only be addressed by more technology. As apocalypses go, this one’s no fun at all.

Well, actually, it’s not really a threat to nature, since it is nature. If you’re a Deep Eke, there’s no problem with a natural event wiping out species wholesale, befouling the air and water, devastating vast expanses of the planet–that’s, after all, by definition, natural.

It’s only evil, and a thing to be battled, when we do it.

Never mind that we’re a part of nature ourselves…

Dead Trees And Muscle Cars

The renowned satirist, Iowahawk (aka David Burge) emails:

To honor Earth Day and Al Gore’s latest enviro-gibberish, I dusted off this moldy oldie for you…

Gore Attacked By Angry Muscle Cars

And he further threatens:

BTW, I’m gonna do the blog thing soon; more of an archive of old stuff like this. I’ll let you know when it’s up.

You don’t scare us, Burge.

You will be assimilated. We told you that resistance was futile.

Space Junk Men Being Laid Off?

I’d heard budget rumors about this a few days ago, but now has a story on it. NASA is terminating the office that monitors space debris.

No, not asteroids–it’s things like tools, and payload shrouds, and loose screws, and flaked-off paint, and the results of the occasional satellite explosion. This is a very real problem–as the article points out, we often have to change out windows or thermal-protection tiles in the Shuttle Orbiters because of strikes from these things–at differential velocities of thousands of miles an hour, a paint chip is like a bullet.

They may restore funding, and I wouldn’t be shocked if this turns out to be a “Washington Monument” threat (you, know, like when the government is threatened with a budget cut, they pull out some popular thing that they’ll threaten to cut, to fend off any cuts at all). It might be just part of the overall agency posturing to defend as much of their budget as possible, by threatening cuts in vital programs (while ignoring internal pork and hobby shops).

We’ll just have to see how it all plays out.

Anti-Imperialism Of Idiots

There’s an eminently sensible (and timely, considering the recent anti-globo funfest in DC) column in today’s Times of London by Mick Hume (presumably not closely related to either David or Brit) on the reflexive anti-Israeli posture in much of the west.

Attacking the Israelis has become a way to vindicate any petty prejudice. It unites my German friend?s right-wing grandmother, who has waited 50 years for an excuse to criticise ?the Jews?, with left-wing protesters who imagine that the Palestinian struggle is on a par with them vandalising a burger bar.

Sympathy with the terrible plight of Jenin is no reason to endorse the anti-imperialism of idiots. Populist anti-Israeli rhetoric is cheap, but offers no solutions to the long-suffering peoples of the Middle East. And climbing on the backs of the victims to strike moralistic postures is just, as the diplomatic French might say, merde.

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