It’s not just the executive. The French have voted in a “right-wing” (quotes because Ralph Nader would be considered right-wing in France) legislature.
Wonder What Colin Has To Say About This?
Condi says no way, no how will the Palestinian Authority be involved in the formation of a Palestinian state. Bye bye, Yasser.
It’s Not Legalized Adultery
No, it’s legalized prostitution.
Like the various ways to collect interest by other names to get around the Islamic injunction against usury, this is another amazing example of the contortions of language that people will go through to remain consistent with unrealistic religious beliefs.
It’s Not Legalized Adultery
No, it’s legalized prostitution.
Like the various ways to collect interest by other names to get around the Islamic injunction against usury, this is another amazing example of the contortions of language that people will go through to remain consistent with unrealistic religious beliefs.
It’s Not Legalized Adultery
No, it’s legalized prostitution.
Like the various ways to collect interest by other names to get around the Islamic injunction against usury, this is another amazing example of the contortions of language that people will go through to remain consistent with unrealistic religious beliefs.
One More Dot Connected
There’s further evidence that Senor Padilla is John Doe #2. Which means further evidence that there were Middle Eastern connections to the OKC bombing. And a coverup by a federal government more obsessed with demonizing “right-wing extremists” than in getting to the truth.
For info on the significance of this information, check out this site (which seems to be a blog dedicated to this topic), and this one.
A New View Of The Internet
Check out this new search engine with graphical results. It’s hypercool.
More PC Out Of Control
Next time you hear a leftist whine about blacklisting, show him this.
A second-year medical resident lost his job at U of Wisconsin, and then had a new one rescinded, from Michigan State, because he had the temerity to question Islamic fundamentalists giving lectures on Islam in what was supposed to be an orientation for medical residents.
Fun With Petitions
This one promises to be as entertaining as the “Australian Acadmics” petition.
It’s one to sign if you think that Al Gore is really your president.
It’s got about 900 right now. I’m not sure which are funnier, the ignorant rants from the supporters (“…in my heart I just know he won…”), or the flames that start in the mid 800s (not coincidentally, about the time someone notified Free Republic about it).
“No Sense”
There’s a new movie out starring Bruce Willis and Tom Daschle.