“Cycle Of Violence” Redux

The New York Times magazine returns to form, with a story about the “cycle of violence.”

To the author, Elizabeth Rubin, here’s a clue to ease your confusion, and to explain why the “cycle” is asymmetric, and not morally equivalent:

The Palestinian murderers target innocents. The Israelis target the murderers.

“Cycle Of Violence” Redux

The New York Times magazine returns to form, with a story about the “cycle of violence.”

To the author, Elizabeth Rubin, here’s a clue to ease your confusion, and to explain why the “cycle” is asymmetric, and not morally equivalent:

The Palestinian murderers target innocents. The Israelis target the murderers.

“Cycle Of Violence” Redux

The New York Times magazine returns to form, with a story about the “cycle of violence.”

To the author, Elizabeth Rubin, here’s a clue to ease your confusion, and to explain why the “cycle” is asymmetric, and not morally equivalent:

The Palestinian murderers target innocents. The Israelis target the murderers.

One Down, One To Go

Here’s another one for the stupid criminal tricks file–he didn’t get eaten by a crocodile, but here’s a guy who lost an arm in escaping from handcuffs. He can only do that trick one more time, then they’ll have to cuff one of his legs. If it continues, it could end up like Monty Python’s Black Knight.

“All right, this time it goes around your neck, you stupid git.”

The Value Of Pilots

XCOR had a test flight incident that might have been a problem if the vehicle had been unmanned. One of the engines didn’t shut down due to an electrical failure. Rutan let the engine burn long enough to give him the energy he needed to land, then shut it down with a manual valve and landed safely.

This is how you test vehicles–not with billions of dollars in software and simulations.

Your Tax Dollars At Work

The government continues to take our money and hand it to the dairy industry to overproduce, so we can pay more for milk, and they can take more of our tax money to store the surplus.

“They keep making it and we keep buying it,” said Steve Gill, an Agriculture Department official.

No kidding? Give that man a raise for mental acuity.

This kind of outrageousness has been going on for so long that I’m just numb to it, but it’s useful to remind ourselves of the stupidy and venality of government policies occasionally, particularly as elections approach. Unfortunately, both parties are guilty.

Biting Commentary about Infinity…and Beyond!