Which Decade Was That Again?

Well, as the air continues to rush out of the bubble, with Enron, Global Crossing, Worldcom, and Arthur Andersen collapsing on themselves like the WTC, just which decade was it that was the real “Decade of Greed”?

Was it the one presided over by Reagan, as Bill and Hillary told us in 1992?

Or was it the one presided over by Bill Clinton?

Just wondering.

Make Him Laugh Till He Cries

Pop up some corn, and settle back in the comfy chair. It’s going to be a fun campaign for governor in California.

“I’m going to knock Gray Davis’ and (Davis adviser) Garry South’s teeth out with their own record,” Rollins said. “This is going to be a donnybrook.”

The strategy, he said, will be to skewer Davis on his own record and “make the story of (the governor’s) failure so severe that people will walk in, in those closing days, and say, ‘yes’ to Bill Simon.”

Whining EUnuchs

It was inevitable, and it didn’t take long. The EUnuchs are unhappy because they weren’t consulted about Bush’s speech. And the fact that he’s not sucking up to their buddy, Arafat.

Some of the quotes are delicious.

…the European official said Bush’s broad signal to the Palestinians that Arafat needed to be replaced as a prerequisite to the establishment of a Palestinian state, “is rather alien to European thinking.”

Yes, that’s why there’s still no peace to the Middle East. We’ve been going along with European “thinking,” for far too long.

And here’s a shocker:

European heads of state reserved as much criticism for Israel as for the Palestinians.

And the usual idiotarian party line:

German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer welcomed Bush’s “clear commitment” to peace in the Middle East, but added, “The Palestinian people alone will decide who is their legitimate leader.”

That’s right, Herr Fischer. And the Palestinian people alone will choose their fate, and live with the consequences of their actions. It’s all up to them, now.

Europe has rendered itself utterly irrelevant.

[Update at 5 PM PDT]

Comment “Matt” astutely points out this bit of hypocrisy, in response to the comment that “…Bush’s broad signal to the Palestinians that Arafat needed to be replaced as a prerequisite to the establishment of a Palestinian state, “is rather alien to European thinking.”

If we don’t like your leaders then you can’t have what you want? Yeah, the EU never said that to anyone…



Well, to be fair, maybe they were just talking about replacing Arafat as being alien to their thinking. I’m sure they didn’t intend to have a double standard…

We’re All Targets

If this article is true, it’s a devastating argument against gun control. People have to start carrying–how else can we expect to defend ourselves against a foe whose only goal is to kill as many people as possible? Amazing, considering the source.

Of course, such acts will have the effect opposite of that desired, and will simply accelerate the war overseas.

We’re All Targets

If this article is true, it’s a devastating argument against gun control. People have to start carrying–how else can we expect to defend ourselves against a foe whose only goal is to kill as many people as possible? Amazing, considering the source.

Of course, such acts will have the effect opposite of that desired, and will simply accelerate the war overseas.

We’re All Targets

If this article is true, it’s a devastating argument against gun control. People have to start carrying–how else can we expect to defend ourselves against a foe whose only goal is to kill as many people as possible? Amazing, considering the source.

Of course, such acts will have the effect opposite of that desired, and will simply accelerate the war overseas.

Political Earthquake?

Reader DocZen asks:

I think the Jewish and the Chrisitians/Conservatives finding themselves on the same side of the political spectrum is a refreshing change that will no doubt cause plate shift in American politics…

What say you?

This has been discussed in the blogosphere for the past few months. It could mean big trouble for the Dems, as noted in today’s WaPo. It’s also driving a bigger wedge between the Jews and the blacks, particularly with loons like Cynthia McKinney so visible.

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