Saddam And OKC

Dan Burton’s committee is continuing to expose possible Iraqi and Middle Eastern connections to Tim McVeigh.

I continue to be amazed at the Bush Administration’s reluctance to expose to light all of the corruption and incompetence of the previous administration. Is it just blind loyalties to the blundering agencies, regardless of who’s in the White House? It’s possible that they’re acting on the ass-covering recommendations of the bureaucrats from below, but if so, it’s stunning to me that they really don’t understand just how bad things were, and how intrinsically unreliable the advice of Clinton holdovers is.

Perhaps they’re afraid that some of this stuff goes all the way back to Bush the First (not unlikely, since Ruby Ridge occurred on his watch). And of course, it’s hard to complain about the previous administration’s incompetence when, in many areas (such as air security), your own is trying to surpass it.

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