The Space History They Don’t Want You To Know

Shubber Ali played this for me and a few others on his laptop when we were sitting around drinking margaritas out of the pistonless pump Friday night at the Space Access Conference in April.

It’s about a ten-minute Ken-Burns-like documentary video, complete with mournful fiddle music and spirituals. You’ll find it a gripping and poignant story. You’ll also find it an extremely politically-incorrect hoot.

[Via Spacecraft, which has a new URL]

The Space History They Don’t Want You To Know

Shubber Ali played this for me and a few others on his laptop when we were sitting around drinking margaritas out of the pistonless pump Friday night at the Space Access Conference in April.

It’s about a ten-minute Ken-Burns-like documentary video, complete with mournful fiddle music and spirituals. You’ll find it a gripping and poignant story. You’ll also find it an extremely politically-incorrect hoot.

[Via Spacecraft, which has a new URL]

The Space History They Don’t Want You To Know

Shubber Ali played this for me and a few others on his laptop when we were sitting around drinking margaritas out of the pistonless pump Friday night at the Space Access Conference in April.

It’s about a ten-minute Ken-Burns-like documentary video, complete with mournful fiddle music and spirituals. You’ll find it a gripping and poignant story. You’ll also find it an extremely politically-incorrect hoot.

[Via Spacecraft, which has a new URL]

So Much For That Theory

It’s not the power supply. I just swapped it with another computer’s (a fairly new, 450W one) and the same thing happened.

Next is a memory diagnostic.

[Update at 12:50 PM EDT]

Memtest86 found five errors in the first pass, on tests 6 and 7. The problems with the Athlon supposedly show up on test 5 or 8, so it’s probably not a speed problem. I’ll let it run another pass and see if it sees the same thing the second time through.

[Update at 1:17 PM]

Only one of the errors repeated, on test 6, but it did repeat.

[Update at 2 PM]

I let the machine reboot into Windows after the memory test, and it’s now been up for over half an hour, which is a record for the last couple days. I don’t know why running a memory test would have that effect, but the problem seems to have been (at least) mitigated, at least temporarily.

[Update at 8:40 PM EDT]

OK, the machines is now up for over six hours, with no glitches. I’m posting from it. Go figure.

No, thanks, I know this isn’t the end of the story.

[Friday morning update]

The machine is still alive and healthy this morning.

Save The Skeletons

John McCain is at it again. I’m frankly mystified at why he’s in such a rush to close off scientific inquiry. Unless perhaps he’s on the take from Indian casino money…

Maybe next year he’ll sponsor a new law making it illegal to criticize sanctimonious Senators. Given their track record with his other anti-speech legislation, the Supreme Court would probably have no problem with it.

[Update at 12:20 PM EDT]

For those who, like the commenter, are wondering what this is all about, here’s a good article describing the situation. And yes, a Google on “NAGPRA McCain” would provide many helpful links.

Well Deserved

Congratulations to Claudia Rossett. In a just world she’d win a Pulitzer, but I guess that’s reserved for the Walter Durantys of the world.

It’s too bad that more journalists don’t go after stories like this, but I guess massive corruption at the UN so that a brutal tyrant can continue to starve children and bribe countries to keep him in power isn’t as important as Tom Delay’s travel expenses, or Hootie Johnson’s golf memberships.

Second Advent On Hold?

What effect does the French and Dutch voting down the European constitution have on Hal Lindsey’s predictions?

The United States will not hold its present position of leadership in the western world; financially, the future leader will be Western Europe. Internal political chaos caused by student rebellion and Communist subversion will begin to erode the economy of our nation. Lack of moral principle by citizens and leaders will so weaken law and order that a state of anarchy will finally result. The military capability of the United States, though it is at present the most powerful in the world, has already been neutralized because no one has the courage to use it decisively. When the economy collapses so will the military.19

Something else that few have noted–while Chirac certainly lost big, another big loser is Valery Giscard D’estaing, who wrote the socialistic, micromanaging monstrosity that was voted down. I guess that’s what he gets for having a girl’s name.

Biting Commentary about Infinity…and Beyond!