Delirious Visions

If this story is true, John Kerry is about to make a bigger ass of himself than one would have previously thought possible (even by someone who remembers last year’s campaign), by feeding the fantasy of some in the Democrat Party that George Bush can be impeached and removed.

Obviously, to some degree, this is payback for the strange perception that Bill Clinton was unjustly impugned, but really–one would almost think that the Senator imagines that if Bush were removed from office, that somehow he’ll become president.

The reality, of course, is that if by some miracle, a Republican House would impeach the president, and a Republican Senate would muster a two-thirds majority to remove him, Dick Cheney would become president. Is that what they want?

Perhaps they continue to indulge their wet dream to the point of imagining that they’d both be impeached and removed simultaneously. Well, that would result in a President Hastert. And if they imagine that it would be first Bush, then Cheney, then Cheney would first appoint a new (unelected) veep, who would have to be approved by the Congress (still Republican controlled, remember), who would then become president after Cheney’s removal (as Gerald Ford did when Nixon resigned). Do they imagine that Mr. Cheney would select, and Congress approve, a Democrat?

This is parallel with the same delusions that they demonstrated during the Clinton impeachment, when they talked about it as a “coup,” as though Bob Dole would become president if Clinton was removed, instead of Al Gore. In fact, to me that was always the strongest argument for the case–if it were merely political, why would the Republicans who favored removal want to put the squeaky-clean Al Gore into the Oval Office, from which he’d almost certainly win reelection in 2000 as an incumbent? The only reasonable explanation is that they sincerely thought that we had a corrupt and criminal president (which we in fact did).

Similarly, the Dems were foolish to oppose it, because it would have probably cemented their hold on the White House for at least another five years, while removing the taint of Clinton from their party. I know that I’d be much more inclined to vote for them now if they’d demonstrated the slightest shred of outrage (let alone integrity) over the indecent and corrupt behavior of the Clintons on a wide range of fronts, from Travelgate to Chinagate, to the harassment of women. By their actions they’ve forfeited support from me, probably for a lifetime.

The Democrats seem to have totally lost sight of the purpose of impeachment, which is to remove a president who is a danger to the office and the country, not to provide a shift in political power from one party to another.

In any event, get real, folks. Only two presidents have been impeached in the nation’s history (Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton), and only one seriously threatened with it (Nixon, who resigned before the vote was taken).

In all three cases the Congress was of a different party than the president (Johnson, though he ran with Lincoln, was a member of the National Union Party, which had little in common with the Radical Republicans who took over after Lincoln’s assassination, other than a desire to keep the union together). Democrat Clinton was impeached by a Republican Congress. Republican Nixon, had he not resigned, likely would have been impeached, by a Democrat Congress.

Who in their right mind thinks that Republican (at least in name) George Bush is going to be impeached by a Republican (again, at least in name) Congress? Key words in the previous sentence are, of course, “in their right mind…”

[Update at 4 PM EDT]

You can’t imagine how shocked I am to read that Al Jazeera is all over this story. We’ll see how much (and how credulously) it’s covered by the MSM.

Flawed Execution

OK, so I don’t like boxing movies, but what’s not to like about a flick about one of the great figures in aviation history?

Well, a few things, actually. I saw The Aviator last night on DVD. It was a watchable movie, but despite his best efforts, and he is a good actor, I just couldn’t buy DeCaprio as HH. He just seemed too young, and I doubt if Hughes’ voice had that high a pitch.

Kate Blanchett captured the voice and mannerisms of Kate Hepburn pretty well, but she didn’t really physically resemble her, so that was a little jarring as well. On the other hand, I didn’t immediately recognize her as Kate Blanchett, so that’s something.

The thing I liked least about it though was too little emphasis on his technological achievements, and too much on his mental debilities. It was hard to believe that he could go from urine-collecting naked nutcase to someone who embarrassed a Senate Chairman in a hearing just a few days later. But that’s probably just my bias–perhaps Scorcese emphasised (and overdramatized) what worked best for a mass audience.

Is It Just Me?

I’ve been reading a lot of good reviews of Cinderella Man, but sorry, I have not just zero, but negative interest in boxing movies, regardless of how good they are. I don’t watch live fights, couldn’t imagine actually paying money to do so, and in general have no desire whatsoever to watch one man pummel another. I have not seen any of the Rocky series (partly for that reason, but also partly because I’m not a big fan of Sylvester Stallone). If you tell me that a movie features boxing, it’s an automatic turnoff to me.

I wonder how out of the norm I am.

Reviving The Past

This is pretty cool. Researchers have sequenced the DNA of an extinct cave bear. They seem to be overly pessimistic about the implications of this, though, at least in my opinion:

“In hundreds or thousands of years from now, we may have advanced our technology so we can create creatures from DNA sequence information,” Dr Eddy Rubin, director of the US Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute in Walnut Creek, California, told the BBC News website.

I think that “decades” is the appropriate timeframe here. And this is the most interesting part, to me:

the scientists hope to be able to sequence the DNA of ancient humans, which lived at the same time as cave bears, raising the prospect of perhaps one day being able to “build” a Neanderthal from their genetic blueprint.

This would raise some interesting ethical issues. Would a Neanderthal be considered fully human, with standard-issue human rights? Or would he or she be kept in a glorified zoo? It might be dangerous to let them run loose, because we would have no idea what the temperament would be, and the fossil evidence of their musculature indicates that they could probably wrestle cave bears for recreation.

Just making one wouldn’t necessarily give us insight into the subspecies as a whole, in terms of its mental capacity, temperament, etc. But it would be fascinating to find out just how smart a modern Neanderthal, raised in a modern technological environment, would be.

The Times Are A Changin’

What’s amazing to me about this story is not the contents so much as the fact that it’s actually appearing on Yahoo News, instead of just places like Newsmax. It’s still hard for me to imagine any story with the title “Demands Mount for Clintons to Acknowledge Intimidation, Rape” appearing at CNN or the other major networks, though:

“The history of Bill Clinton”s relationships with women has been one of physical and sexual harassment often followed by threats and intimidation,” says Jackson. “Over and over he has proven himself to be a “liberal misogynist” — a man who feels that his professed concern for women”s political rights gives him free rein to treat individual women like chattel.”

Kind of like Bob Packwood, until it finally caught up with him, because he was, after all, a Republican. Clinton apparently gets a permanent pass from the NOW gang, though.

Whether it was assembling a smear team to attack a grief-stricken widow, threatening a reporter for research an Arkansas health-care scandal, or hiring private investigators to bully an ex-flame”s family members, Jackson says that Clinton showed no reluctance to go after any woman who inconvenienced his political career. But the blame, according to Jackson, also falls on his wife”s shoulders.

“Hillary could have exercised her influence over him, instead she has stood beside him every step of the way, doing whatever was necessary to keep the Clinton political bandwagon rolling,” asserts Jackson. “The bottom line is that Hillary has enabled a rapist, and she needs to be called to account for her actions.”

As I’ve said before, if Hillary runs for president, the “Slick Grope Vets For Truth” will have their say.

The Times Are A Changin’

What’s amazing to me about this story is not the contents so much as the fact that it’s actually appearing on Yahoo News, instead of just places like Newsmax. It’s still hard for me to imagine any story with the title “Demands Mount for Clintons to Acknowledge Intimidation, Rape” appearing at CNN or the other major networks, though:

“The history of Bill Clinton”s relationships with women has been one of physical and sexual harassment often followed by threats and intimidation,” says Jackson. “Over and over he has proven himself to be a “liberal misogynist” — a man who feels that his professed concern for women”s political rights gives him free rein to treat individual women like chattel.”

Kind of like Bob Packwood, until it finally caught up with him, because he was, after all, a Republican. Clinton apparently gets a permanent pass from the NOW gang, though.

Whether it was assembling a smear team to attack a grief-stricken widow, threatening a reporter for research an Arkansas health-care scandal, or hiring private investigators to bully an ex-flame”s family members, Jackson says that Clinton showed no reluctance to go after any woman who inconvenienced his political career. But the blame, according to Jackson, also falls on his wife”s shoulders.

“Hillary could have exercised her influence over him, instead she has stood beside him every step of the way, doing whatever was necessary to keep the Clinton political bandwagon rolling,” asserts Jackson. “The bottom line is that Hillary has enabled a rapist, and she needs to be called to account for her actions.”

As I’ve said before, if Hillary runs for president, the “Slick Grope Vets For Truth” will have their say.

The Times Are A Changin’

What’s amazing to me about this story is not the contents so much as the fact that it’s actually appearing on Yahoo News, instead of just places like Newsmax. It’s still hard for me to imagine any story with the title “Demands Mount for Clintons to Acknowledge Intimidation, Rape” appearing at CNN or the other major networks, though:

“The history of Bill Clinton”s relationships with women has been one of physical and sexual harassment often followed by threats and intimidation,” says Jackson. “Over and over he has proven himself to be a “liberal misogynist” — a man who feels that his professed concern for women”s political rights gives him free rein to treat individual women like chattel.”

Kind of like Bob Packwood, until it finally caught up with him, because he was, after all, a Republican. Clinton apparently gets a permanent pass from the NOW gang, though.

Whether it was assembling a smear team to attack a grief-stricken widow, threatening a reporter for research an Arkansas health-care scandal, or hiring private investigators to bully an ex-flame”s family members, Jackson says that Clinton showed no reluctance to go after any woman who inconvenienced his political career. But the blame, according to Jackson, also falls on his wife”s shoulders.

“Hillary could have exercised her influence over him, instead she has stood beside him every step of the way, doing whatever was necessary to keep the Clinton political bandwagon rolling,” asserts Jackson. “The bottom line is that Hillary has enabled a rapist, and she needs to be called to account for her actions.”

As I’ve said before, if Hillary runs for president, the “Slick Grope Vets For Truth” will have their say.

Biting Commentary about Infinity…and Beyond!