Does This Explain Berger’s Behavior?

Well, here’s a huge story that the MSM won’t want to touch. At least not until they can conjure up some insane angle on it that will somehow make it Bush’s fault.

I never cease to be amazed that the same media that continues to give Cindy Sheehan wall-to-wall coverage, and help her promulgate the lie that the president hasn’t met with her, is so incurious about the fecklessness of the Clinton administration, and Sandy Burglar’s reckless acts.

I should add that I’ve never been able to be as impressed with the “bipartisan” 911 Commission as the press wanted me to be. When Jamie Gorelick wasn’t required to recuse herself on those things being investigated in which she was directly involved, it lost all credibility with me. The sad thing is all of the legislation that was rushed through on its flawed (and perhaps, as we see now, duplicitous) advice.

[Update at 9:37 AM EDT]

John Podhoretz isn’t impressed with the commission, either:

The 9/11 Commission staff did hear about intelligence-gathering efforts that hit pay dirt on the whereabouts of Mohammed Atta — in 1999 — and deliberately chose to omit word of those efforts.

And why? Because to do so might upset the timeline the Commission had established on Atta.

And why is that significant? Because the Mohammed Atta timeline established by the Commission pointedly insisted Atta did not meet with an Iraqi intelligence agent in Prague.

And why is that significant? Because debunking the Atta-Iraq connection was of vital importance to Democrats, who had become focused almost obsessively on the preposterous notion that there was no relation whatever between Al Qaeda and Iraq — that Al Qaeda and Iraq might even have been enemies.

Does This Explain Berger’s Behavior?

Well, here’s a huge story that the MSM won’t want to touch. At least not until they can conjure up some insane angle on it that will somehow make it Bush’s fault.

I never cease to be amazed that the same media that continues to give Cindy Sheehan wall-to-wall coverage, and help her promulgate the lie that the president hasn’t met with her, is so incurious about the fecklessness of the Clinton administration, and Sandy Burglar’s reckless acts.

I should add that I’ve never been able to be as impressed with the “bipartisan” 911 Commission as the press wanted me to be. When Jamie Gorelick wasn’t required to recuse herself on those things being investigated in which she was directly involved, it lost all credibility with me. The sad thing is all of the legislation that was rushed through on its flawed (and perhaps, as we see now, duplicitous) advice.

[Update at 9:37 AM EDT]

John Podhoretz isn’t impressed with the commission, either:

The 9/11 Commission staff did hear about intelligence-gathering efforts that hit pay dirt on the whereabouts of Mohammed Atta — in 1999 — and deliberately chose to omit word of those efforts.

And why? Because to do so might upset the timeline the Commission had established on Atta.

And why is that significant? Because the Mohammed Atta timeline established by the Commission pointedly insisted Atta did not meet with an Iraqi intelligence agent in Prague.

And why is that significant? Because debunking the Atta-Iraq connection was of vital importance to Democrats, who had become focused almost obsessively on the preposterous notion that there was no relation whatever between Al Qaeda and Iraq — that Al Qaeda and Iraq might even have been enemies.

Does This Explain Berger’s Behavior?

Well, here’s a huge story that the MSM won’t want to touch. At least not until they can conjure up some insane angle on it that will somehow make it Bush’s fault.

I never cease to be amazed that the same media that continues to give Cindy Sheehan wall-to-wall coverage, and help her promulgate the lie that the president hasn’t met with her, is so incurious about the fecklessness of the Clinton administration, and Sandy Burglar’s reckless acts.

I should add that I’ve never been able to be as impressed with the “bipartisan” 911 Commission as the press wanted me to be. When Jamie Gorelick wasn’t required to recuse herself on those things being investigated in which she was directly involved, it lost all credibility with me. The sad thing is all of the legislation that was rushed through on its flawed (and perhaps, as we see now, duplicitous) advice.

[Update at 9:37 AM EDT]

John Podhoretz isn’t impressed with the commission, either:

The 9/11 Commission staff did hear about intelligence-gathering efforts that hit pay dirt on the whereabouts of Mohammed Atta — in 1999 — and deliberately chose to omit word of those efforts.

And why? Because to do so might upset the timeline the Commission had established on Atta.

And why is that significant? Because the Mohammed Atta timeline established by the Commission pointedly insisted Atta did not meet with an Iraqi intelligence agent in Prague.

And why is that significant? Because debunking the Atta-Iraq connection was of vital importance to Democrats, who had become focused almost obsessively on the preposterous notion that there was no relation whatever between Al Qaeda and Iraq — that Al Qaeda and Iraq might even have been enemies.

Still Jimmy After All These Years

In my puerile, naive youth, I cast my first presidential vote for Jimmy Carter, an act that shames me to this day. I’m a little sad that so many continue to foolishly worship him, a man who never met a dictator (or, apparently, America-hating polemicist) he didn’t like, in light of things like this:

As a candidate, Carter promised only that as president he would never tell a lie, thereby leaving himself a loophole for his post-presidential career as a fabulist.

Death Of A Skeptic And Aerospace Journalist

Jim Oberg emails that Phil Klass has died:

Phil was a friend and colleague for more than thirty years, an award-winning technical journalist specializing in avionics, for ‘Aviation Week’ magazine. His iron will carried him through his last difficult years against physical hardships brought on by age and medical errors. He had a bulldog persistence in digging into stories most journalists considered too technical, too difficult, or even too un-researchable, both in military and civilian aviation and space systems, and in his pastime of ‘UFO stories’. He aroused fierce enmity in many circles, most of it a credit to his percing intellect and acerbic wit, and if one is best measured by the enemies one makes, Phil had even more reason to be proud. I was proud of him and proud to be his friend.

Nadya [Phil’s wife] went on to say that funeral services will be held at Mt. Lebanon Cemetery, plot 18-4, Section 8B, at 11:30 a.m. on Sunday, August 14. They will be in ‘Temple Micah Cemetery’, located at 2829 Wisconsin Avenue, interment at Mt. Lebanon Cemetery, which is located at 9500 Riggs Rd., Adelphi, MD (DC suburb).

Well, At Least It Makes It Hard To Hide A Bomb

I’d like to see this woman try this trick in her homeland, say, protesting Syrian support for the Iraqi “insurgents.”

And I wonder why these nutballs think that watching mental defectives do a strip tease and covering their naked selves with dumb graffitti is somehow going to make us hit ourselves in the forehead, forget all of the logic and facts that got us to our positions, and say “Of course! The war is Iraq is wrong!”

Only in America.

Biting Commentary about Infinity…and Beyond!