Two Cults In One

Speaking of Thomas James, he has an amusing tale from the Mars Society Conference.

[Update a few minutes later]

I was about to do a radio interview with a German radio station about evolution and intelligent design when I posted this, so I didn’t get a chance to finish the thought with a similar supporting anecdote of my own.

I have a dear old friend (who will remain nameless) who is also a victim of the Mac cult. He swears by his Mac, and professes hatred of PCs and a mystification about why anyone would buy them when they could have a Mac. But when he shows me things on it, there are invariably problems with it that, if it were my machine, would cause me to toss it into the sea in frustration. Yet he seems almost blind to it, even as he asks for help in doing things that it won’t let him do.

It’s A Quagmire!

In Crawford.

[Update early Wednesday morning]

Thomas James advances Scrappleface’s ball further down the field in comments:

Mother Sheehan’s war is just a distraction from the Global Whinge on Bush. The left was arguably justified in going into the Plame/Rove scandal (remember that?) after the catastrophic 11/2 attacks which damaged Ohio’s electoral system and brought down the Twin Johns. But since then, they have squandered the unprecedented and heartfelt outpouring of support they once received from George Soros. The left went into this war on the basis of fraudulent estimates of Mother Sheehan’s capabilities as a weapon of mass media destruction, an “imminent threat” which has since been proved bogus, and their appalling conduct in this “illegal” ditch-occupation is serving as a recruitment tool for anti-idiotarian insurgents.

It’s A Quagmire!

In Crawford.

[Update early Wednesday morning]

Thomas James advances Scrappleface’s ball further down the field in comments:

Mother Sheehan’s war is just a distraction from the Global Whinge on Bush. The left was arguably justified in going into the Plame/Rove scandal (remember that?) after the catastrophic 11/2 attacks which damaged Ohio’s electoral system and brought down the Twin Johns. But since then, they have squandered the unprecedented and heartfelt outpouring of support they once received from George Soros. The left went into this war on the basis of fraudulent estimates of Mother Sheehan’s capabilities as a weapon of mass media destruction, an “imminent threat” which has since been proved bogus, and their appalling conduct in this “illegal” ditch-occupation is serving as a recruitment tool for anti-idiotarian insurgents.

It’s A Quagmire!

In Crawford.

[Update early Wednesday morning]

Thomas James advances Scrappleface’s ball further down the field in comments:

Mother Sheehan’s war is just a distraction from the Global Whinge on Bush. The left was arguably justified in going into the Plame/Rove scandal (remember that?) after the catastrophic 11/2 attacks which damaged Ohio’s electoral system and brought down the Twin Johns. But since then, they have squandered the unprecedented and heartfelt outpouring of support they once received from George Soros. The left went into this war on the basis of fraudulent estimates of Mother Sheehan’s capabilities as a weapon of mass media destruction, an “imminent threat” which has since been proved bogus, and their appalling conduct in this “illegal” ditch-occupation is serving as a recruitment tool for anti-idiotarian insurgents.

“Nice Little Country You Have Here…

…it would be a shame if something were to happen to it.”

The so-called “moderate Muslim leadership” in Britain is blackmailing the British government again:

The closure of mosques accused of “fomenting extremism” would amount to a collective punishment of the community, the statement warned.

It may “create fear” which could lead to “the very radical sub-culture which we all seek to prevent”.

Finally, the Muslim leaders said plans to deport foreign nationals to countries known for human rights abuses was “abhorrent”.

In other words, Britain had better continue to allow people to foment insurrection and religious hatred against non-Muslims, or there might be even more insurrection and religious hatred against non-Muslims. And Britain is apparently obliged to provide asylum to people who abuse that privilege to preach hatred against her.

“Nice Little Country You Have Here…

…it would be a shame if something were to happen to it.”

The so-called “moderate Muslim leadership” in Britain is blackmailing the British government again:

The closure of mosques accused of “fomenting extremism” would amount to a collective punishment of the community, the statement warned.

It may “create fear” which could lead to “the very radical sub-culture which we all seek to prevent”.

Finally, the Muslim leaders said plans to deport foreign nationals to countries known for human rights abuses was “abhorrent”.

In other words, Britain had better continue to allow people to foment insurrection and religious hatred against non-Muslims, or there might be even more insurrection and religious hatred against non-Muslims. And Britain is apparently obliged to provide asylum to people who abuse that privilege to preach hatred against her.

“Nice Little Country You Have Here…

…it would be a shame if something were to happen to it.”

The so-called “moderate Muslim leadership” in Britain is blackmailing the British government again:

The closure of mosques accused of “fomenting extremism” would amount to a collective punishment of the community, the statement warned.

It may “create fear” which could lead to “the very radical sub-culture which we all seek to prevent”.

Finally, the Muslim leaders said plans to deport foreign nationals to countries known for human rights abuses was “abhorrent”.

In other words, Britain had better continue to allow people to foment insurrection and religious hatred against non-Muslims, or there might be even more insurrection and religious hatred against non-Muslims. And Britain is apparently obliged to provide asylum to people who abuse that privilege to preach hatred against her.

Biting Commentary about Infinity…and Beyond!