
An article in this week’s Economist says that hurricanes are getting worse. It doesn’t offer any particular support for the theory that this is a result of global warming, though. And the sample that it shows is only over the last third of a century, so it’s entirely possible (and even likely, if one goes back further for data) that this is a periodic phenomenon, not a secular one. We’re simply heading into a near-term period of increased activity. It’s not a propitious time to own real estate near the Florida coast (as we do).

Casting Call

It occurs to me that the Baroque Cycle would make a great HBO series. Someone on an email list suggested Angelina Jolie as Eliza, but I think that Diane Kruger would be a better choice. I’d go with Christopher Lloyd as Isaac, and Johnny Depp as Jack Shaftoe.

Any other suggestions? Who would play Daniel?

Biting Commentary about Infinity…and Beyond!