Category Archives: Weird

Auditioning For A Hitchcock Remake?

I saw this story, via Warren Bell, and was reminded that I was attacked by a bird when I was in Phoenix in April.

I was walking across a shopping mall parking lot by the hotel where I was staying, and felt something hit my right shoulder from behind. I turned around, and saw a bird hovering. I figured it was an accident, and kept walking, but a few seconds later, it did it again.

I was unsure what to do, but figured that the sooner I got to the mall entrance, the better, so I kept moving, though I didn’t run. I was wearing glasses, which I hoped would protect me if it started to peck, but fortunately it didn’t. It hit me one more time, and then flew back to a tree behind me. I figured that I may have walked to close to its nest. After that, I continued the walk to the mall entrance without further events, but I kept an eye over my shoulder.

Like Lawyer, Like Client

Just when you thought the Michael Jackson case couldn’t get any weirder, we find evidence that his new attorney isn’t averse to a little B&D.

The playful dominatrix, TAMI SMITH, tells the tabloid, “I was at the party for a few hours when I noticed this old gentleman with a great smile and white hair. I was told he was a highprofile attorney but didn’t know his name.

“I went up to him and said, ‘Down on your knees.’ I wasn’t surprised, but he immediately dropped to his knees. I put my dog collar around him, he didn’t have a problem with it.

Maybe they should hook him up with Lynddie England.