Sexing turkeys.
Category Archives: Weird
Just Desserts
You know, I’m usually not down with stoning, particularly since it seems to be largely reserved for women who have been raped, or gays, but it’s hard to feel sorry for these guys.
Prurient Minds Want To Know
This article doesn’t really explain how the man actually earned his Darwin Award.
Feel free to speculate in the comments section.
But keep it clean. How’s that for a challenge?
Quite Silly
Remember the old Monty Python routine about the Society for Putting Things On Top of Other Things?
Well, here’s a web site where people put things on top of cats.
From a document (a Powerpoint briefing, actually) I’m reviewing:
Additionally, an agreed acronym appendix adds advantages against acquiring appellation aberrations.
The Beginning Of A New Holocaust
It is my sad duty to report the first death due to Post Election Selection Trauma:
He had strong political opinions and followed Amy Goodman’s radio broadcast “Democracy Now.” Alas the stolen election of 2000 and living with right-winged Americans finally brought him to his early demise. Stress from living in this unjust country brought about several heart attacks rendering him disabled.
You couldn’t make this stuff up.
Shockingly, it didn’t occur at ground zero for this affliction (my current residence of Boca Raton), but in Tucson. I’m sure that this is just the first death of many, in what is certain to be a sweeping slaughter and national tragedy, all part of Karl Rove’s plan.
His Fifteen Minutes Of Fame
A painting chimpanzee has outsold Andy Warhol.
Maybe The Couch On The Porch Was A Mistake
Did you know that a great way to get rid of snakes is to burn your house down?
Maybe she should get together with the superglue guy, except he managed to actually kill himself.
[Update at noon]
Speaking of snakes, here’s a guy who brings a whole new meaning to the phrase “trouser snake.”
Yep, That Would Do It
A man committed suicide by supergluing his mouth and nose shut.
I’m sure that there will be calls to ban its sale now.
A Very Strange Mind
That’s exactly what James Lileks has:
The [ant] colony continues its descent. The population was ten a week ago; now it