Category Archives: Weird

A Tale Told By An Idiot

A vegan in Mongolia:

“There wasn’t a thing on the table that I could eat” said a frustrated Love. “They kept putting food in front of me, but I kept trying to tell them that I was a vegan. I pointed to the food and said it really loudly and slowly ‘vegan, veee-gaaan’ but they didn’t seem to understand. They just kept encouraging me to eat.”

Love’s lack of Mongolian language skills coupled with the families lack of English language skills provided the perfect environment for a cultural misunderstanding to take place. And before long the Mongolian family had come to understand that “vegan” meant “sick” and quickly began to set out to find a remedy for their guest’s illness.

Oyon left the table for a moment and returned with what appeared to be two recently severed chicken’s feet. She then dipped the feet into some of the congealed pig’s fat and took Love to a back room where she proceeded to try to spread the substance on her ears in an effort to remedy her sickness.

A Darwin Award Nominee

Well, this one sure fails the obituary test:

St. Johns County deputies recently launched an investigation into what they called one of the strangest accidents they’ve ever seen when a man was found dead after getting stuck in a cat door.

Good ol’ Florida.

“You’ll Put Your Eye Out”

A failed attempt at the Darwin Award:

A 66-year-old man shot himself in both his legs Saturday afternoon while trying to loosen a stubborn lug nut with a 12-gauge shotgun.

The deputies described the man’s legs as “peppered” from his feet to his mid-abdomen with pellets, pieces of the wheel and other debris. Some injuries went as far up as his chin.

Surprisingly, no alcohol was involved. Wonder how he adjusts his distributor timing–with a Glock?

Anyway, I think he was just using the wrong tool. He should have used a slug instead of double-ought shot.

“He’s bound and determined to get that lug nut off,” Wilson said, who did not know how long the man had been trying to free the lug nut.


I suppose now the lawyers at the shotgun manufacturers are going to insist on warning labels on the stock: “Do not use as lug wrench.”