Why isn’t this guy doing hard time?
Michael Sheridan was stripped of his title as class vice president, barred from attending an honors student dinner and suspended for a day after buying a bag of Skittles from a classmate.
What is the world coming to when people can openly buy and sell candy on a school campus?
I guess his big mistake was paying money for it (you know, like prostitution?):
The policy also prohibits bake sales and other food sales during school hours. The policy does not say anything about students sharing snacks when no money is exchanged.
So, if he’d given it away, things would have been OK. But I have no sympathy. The only way to clean this up is to go after the johns.
You know, I think that someone should write a book
about this kind of thing.
[Friday update]
Saved by Mark Levin:
Levin gave out the phone number of the spokesperson for the New Haven school district, but asked his listeners to be civilized about the calling. The civilized part was easy. Getting through was another matter. Within ten minutes of the number’s being given out, the New Haven school district’s phone system crashed, as did its website.
Within an hour of that, the wheels were already in motion to clear Sheridan’s name and restore his and the other student’s good standing.
What kind of conservative is he, anyway, coddling criminals like that?