Category Archives: Weird

An Omen?

As Halperin writes, you can’t make this kind of thing up:

Hillary Clinton enthusiastically picked a filly named Eight Belles to win the Kentucky Derby and compared herself to the horse. Eight Belles finished second. The winner was the favorite, Big Brown.

Eight Belles collapsed immediately after crossing the finish line, and was euthanized shortly thereafter.

Like Mark, I too have no other comment.

Oh, and while we’re on the subject, does Hillary! live in a permanent state of denial and fantasy? Mickey makes a good case.

[Mid-morning update]

Speaking of denial, Jim Geraghty explains (once again, for those who continue to miss the point, or obfuscate it with straw men) that the issue with Wright is not the concern that Obama secretly shares his views (though that is certainly a possibility). It’s the judgment, stupid:

In Wright, Obama saw what he wanted to see. He wanted a wise, shrewd, kind, funny, educated man who could show him the ways of the world (and Chicago politics), one who perhaps went a little too far every now and then, but who was overall a good person.

Instead, we see that Wright is a toxic figure, arguing that blacks and whites have different brain structures, that the American government created the AIDS virus for genocidal purposes, that U.S. policy can accurately be called terrorism, that the U.S. Marines can be compared to the Roman soldiers who tortured Jesus, who calls Italians “garlic-noses,” who calls the Secretary of State “Condoskeezia” and “Con-damn-nesia”, etc.

Here’s where the example of Wright is truly disturbing when contemplating an Obama presidency. If Barack Obama looked at Jeremiah Wright and saw only what he wanted to see… how sure can we be that he wouldn’t look at say, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and see only what he wanted to see?

Also, as a bonus, some psychoanalysis based on Obama’s book. So now both Hillary! and Obama are put on the couch in this post.

Illegal Legal Weed

What would we do without federal regulators?

Federal alcohol regulators thought differently. They have ordered Dillmann to stop selling beer bottles with caps that say “Try Legal Weed.”

While reviewing the proposed label for Dillmann’s latest beer, Lemurian Lager, the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau said the message on the caps he has been using for his five current beers amounts to a drug reference.

In a letter explaining its decision, the agency, which regulates the brewing industry, said the wording could “mislead consumers about the characteristics of the alcoholic beverage.”

Because, you know, a bottle of beer is so similar to a joint. I wonder how many bottles you’d have to drink before you really couldn’t tell the difference?

Are You Happy To See Me?

…or is that just a snake in your pants?

The video is a little difficult to see, but shop owner Rick Preuss say it’s clear she’s reaching into the cage and stuffing the snake down her pants. He says the woman had been in the store for some time, staking out the cage.

“In some ways, I wish it were this really big snake going down her pants [so you could see it better]. Instead what you see is a quick view from the camera” of the snake pattern, he says.

Well, if he were still around, Freud would say that she has trouser-snake envy.

True Love

Was it consensual? Here’s a story about a man who enjoyed conjugal relations with a picnic table.

Hope he used a c0nd0m. Those splinters can be rough.

[Update a minutes or so later]

Upon more careful reading, I guess he’ll be OK. It’s metal.

But still, you don’t know who else that picnic table has been with.