The unexpected discovery of a nest of red-cheeked squirrels amidst the huge, partially constructed MegaPyre Solar Power plant has halted construction, casting doubt on the viability of what has been considered to be the environmentalist’s crown jewel of renewable power facilities.
The 20 gigawatt plant was expected to provide electricity to much of southern California, and was only 6 months away from completion when the nest of squirrels, which are on the endangered species list, was found. Due to federal regulations regarding endangered species, moving the nest to another location is not permitted.
The situation has confounded local environmentalists, who are now evenly divided on whether the solar power plant or the nest of squirrels is more important to their cause.
Hear that little sound? That’s the sound of the world’s tiniest violin.
[Yes, I know it’s a joke. The twenty gigawatts, if nothing else, is a dead giveaway.]
An initial report from the fire marshal says mice or rats chewing through electrical wires in the ceiling are likely to have sparked the blaze.
Offers of help have been pouring in from animal lovers across Canada.
“It’s unfortunate and ironic that mice caused the fire that killed the cats,” Toronto Humane Society spokesman Ian McConachie told the BBC News website.
The cats need to ask themselves why the mice hate them.
Dr Mike Edwards, an English teacher at Meoncross School in Stubbington, Hants, first spotted the squirrel outside his classroom window.
He said: ‘I was sitting in my classroom and looked out the window and saw it sitting on the fence. I had to do a double take.
‘Since then it’s been a bit of a regular at the school – everyone’s seen it.
‘We thought it might have been paint or something but then when you look at it up close, it’s an all-over coat, not in patches like you’d expect if it had been near some paint.
‘Its fur actually looks purple all the way through. It’s an absolute mystery.’
Bristol Palin is on the verge of giving birth. What will Andrew Sullivan say now? Of course, I had some of these lunatics in my own comments section last fall.
Here’s one for the nutty judges file. Depicted s3x with Simpsons characters is deemed child pr0n. I’m pretty sure that this wouldn’t stand up to a SCOTUS challenge, but it happened Down Under.
This is a truly amazing swamp of lunacy. They are so frightened of Sarah Palin that they’ve gone so far around the bend that they can’t see the bend from there.