These are pretty clever shots.
Category Archives: Weird
The Really Big O
I am not qualified to render an opinion on this subject:
The idea that birth can be orgasmic isn’t new. The British birth guru Sheila Kitzinger says that she has met “hundreds” of women during the course of her career who report experiencing orgasm during labour – some were hoping for it, others were taken completely by surprise. She herself has experienced it during three of her four labours (she has five daughters: one birth was twins). “It is difficult for a man to understand,” she says “hard, too, for any woman who has had an average hospital birth. But it can be one of the most profound psychosexual experiences in a woman’s life. Each contraction may bring a rush of joy so overwhelming that the pain recedes into the background.” She puts this partly down to simple biology. “The pressure of the baby’s head against the walls of the vagina and the fanning out of the tissues as the head descends bring for some women an unexpected sensation of sexual arousal, even of ecstasy.” But is this really an orgasm? Or just a very unusual sensation? “It can be orgasmic. People recognise it as an orgasm. And it can be a multiple orgasm, one with each push.”
Well, there can be a fine line between pain and pleasure, particularly when it comes to this sort of pain and pleasure.
A Bridge Too Far
You know, William Shatner had a three-word phrase for these people a few years back (the third was “life”):
Mr. Veazie, a manager at Underwriters Laboratories, built the chair himself last year, and has been gratified to find, since installing it in the living room in May, that “when someone comes in, it’s the first thing they comment on.”
You don’t say.
But I thought they didn’t like the word “Trekkie.” Isn’t it supposed to be “Trekker”?
A Great Weekend Coming Up
Today (the second Friday the 13th in a row) is Iowahawk Day. And tomorrow is Steak and BJ Day (Valentine’s Day for men). And unlike Valentine’s Day, it doesn’t require much in the way of planning or dinner reservations. What’s not to like?
[Update a few minutes later]
It gets better and better. In addition to Steak and BJ Day, tomorrow is Pi Day as well. So have a slice with your steak. And BJ.
Obama Cult Reports
I particularly liked this one:
“My wife has a friend who has a license-plate holder that says ‘Change Has Come,’ plates that read ‘PEACE4U,’ and a bumper sticker that shows a picture of Obama, with rays sticking out on either side of his head.”
I wonder if her friend is Chris Matthews?
If these people could only see themselves through our eyes.
Please, Just Kill Me Now
I don’t want to live in a world with Trek fragrances.
Beware Flaming Squirrels
I hate when this happens:
A squirrel caught fire, sparking a blaze Wednesday morning that resulted in the evacuation of an elementary school in Jones, Okla., fire officials said.
Still not as bad as falling moose.
The Bees
Sometime over the past few months or years, our house in California had become a haven for honeybees. They found a tiny hole in the flashing of the roof, and set up shop inside a wall, just below the ceiling of the living room. They managed to find a small crack inside, so once a day or so one would find its way into the house, which was obviously a problem for the tenants.
I got one ridiculous quote of nineteen hundred bucks (this included opening the wall, removing the bees, and restuccoing) to remove them, but I got separate quotes for bee removal and stucco replacement, which got the cost down to six hundred or so total. Anyway, the bees were removed today, and through the magic of the Internet and my tenant’s videocamera, you can watch.
[Update a few minutes later]
Sorry, the video’s been taken down, at least temporarily. I think he wanted to reedit it. I’ll update if it gets uploaded again.
[Update about 8 PM Eastern]
OK, it’s back up and I’ve updated the links.
What The Blogosphere Has Been Waiting For All Its Life
That’s one word for this plan, that Tariq Malik uses, presumably to be polite:
The co-founder of a rocket launch firm has proposed an audacious plan to send astronauts on a one-way trek to Mars using a pair of tethered U.S. space shuttles that would parachute to the Martian surface.
Inventor Eric Knight, a co-founder of the rocket firm UP Aerospace, detailed the plan – which he’s billed “Mars on a Shoestring” – in a thought exercise designed to encourage unconventional thinking for future human spaceflight.
“My thought paper is a mental exercise to encourage new ideas,” Knight told in an e-mail interview. “I also hope it spurs a re-evaluation of the timeline for human exploration of Mars. Twenty years seems like an eternity, given that we were able to get to the moon in less than 10 years – and we were essentially doing so ‘from scratch.'”
I’m less polite, so I’ll just call it what it is — insane. I don’t have time to detail all of the things that are wrong with it, but have at it in comments.