Olbermann is an idiot.
Category Archives: Weird
Your Laugh Of The Day
A parting gift from Nancy Pelosi.
Just What We Needed
If you die in the game, you die in real life.
This seems quite Darwinian.
New MH370 Findings
This is interesting, but sort of a head scratcher.
If the pilot wanted to ensure no debris, wouldn’t the simplest thing to do be to simply dive into the sea? Why glide in with gear down?
Dumb Twitter Thread Of The Week
But the week is young.
Shatner’s Grief
I think he had unrealistic expectations. He probably thought he’d see stars. He should try to do an orbital trip, and see the universe from orbit on the dark side of the planet.
About That Creature In Canada
Thoughts on the absurdities to which the “trans” movement has taken us.
[Monday update]
If that guy is trolling the system, that could be wonderful.
What We’ve All Been Waiting For
Nightmare Fuel
…created by AI.
The “Reality-Based” Party
Almost a quarter of Democrats think that men can get pregnant.