This is such a weird story.
Why would one have to “remember” to “flip a switch” to provide cabin pressure? Why didn’t the crew “flip the switch” when they realized what was happening to the passengers?
This is such a weird story.
Why would one have to “remember” to “flip a switch” to provide cabin pressure? Why didn’t the crew “flip the switch” when they realized what was happening to the passengers?
…may help with female sexual dysfunction.
Isn’t sex itself nerve stimulation?
[Friday-evening update]
This seems sort of related: Custom sex dolls.
This seems to me like the ultimate expression of free-market capitalism. I found the kicker interesting:
“You have to find beauty in imperfection,” Krivicke says as he takes the mannequin head back from me.
I’ve noticed over the years that, when I get to know someone, and I come to like them, they grow increasingly interesting and physically attractive, even if I didn’t find them so initially.
There is a Greek myth, which may or not be true, that @n@l sex is called “Greek” because the ancient Greeks used it for birth control. Well, a clueless couple in China failed to get pregnant for four years because they were doing it wrong. At least for that purpose. Hopefully they were at least having a good time.
A history, as it approaches first air under the gear. As I noted in an email to the person who sent me the link:
“Stratolaunch has never made any sense to me as a business. Gary [Hudson]’s theory is that it’s the Glomar Explorer of space: a civilian cover for a black operation (in this case, perhaps as an X-37 launcher capable of single-orbit rendezvous). But it seems nutty to me to make your business dependent on a single carrier aircraft. Orbital got away with it with the Tri-Star but at least there they could have gone to the boneyard for another one if they’d lost it. Look how much time it’s taken to even do taxi tests with a single vehicle. And they only this week announced (again) their plans for the orbital launcher, now not to fly until 2022, over a decade after that press conference.”
I also think that Allen placed entirely too much faith in Burt, who is an aviation genius, but not necessarily a space guy.
He’s whining about SpaceX’s prices. Maybe he should get a trampoline.
And this is amusing:
Due to its geography, Russia is largely unable to make Falcon-style reusable boosters that would make vertical powered descent to a movable platform at sea, and so it has to follow an alternate path sticking to horizontal landings or relying on parachutes, he said.
Yes, because they couldn’t possibly land vertically down range, where they currently dump their expended first stages.
OK, this is weird.
No, this isn’t about the upper stage. Glad someone is asking the important questions:
Serious question for #medtwitter: If you show up at a code, and the patient is a centaur who had a cardiac arrest, ignoring the joules question, where do you think the defib pads should go? A, assuming the heart is in the human part, or B, assuming the heart is in the horse part?
— Fred Wu, MD (@FredWuMD) July 28, 2018
The replies are great.
Ummm…no thanks.
A couple of user experiences, here and here.
[Update a few minutes later]
Slightly related: SpaceX is going to attempt a second-stage entry with a giant party balloon.
A visit to a s3x-robot factory, and the furniture of Catherine the Great. Latter definitely NSFW.