Category Archives: Weird

Her Tears Are Delicious

Watch a woman break down while reading mail from Trump.

Meanwhile, dispatches from the “autonomous zone” in Seattle. These people have no sense of irony whatsoever.

[Update a few minutes later]

“Build that wall!” says…Antifa?

[Update a few more minutes later]

In defense of CHAZ.

Yes, don’t make them martyrs to a leftist cause.

[Update a few minutes later]

Defund the police, and let slip the dogs of anarchy.

[Update a few minutes later]

CHAZ gains its first feudal warlord.

And more thoughts on revolutions and irony, from VDH.

Roasting Chicken

I didn’t realize it was such a rare phenomenon. I rarely buy boneless chicken, and we roast a whole one (or split and grill it) almost every week, and then make soup with the leftovers, and have been doing it for years.

I continue to wonder how much this will change peoples’ eating habits, now that so many have learned to cook. It may mean that the restaurant industry will never recover to pre-plague levels.

Why Hospitals Are In Trouble

The current conventional wisdom is that they’re hurting because of the ban on “elective” procedures, but it turns out that most admissions are caused by the entertainment industry (restaurants and bars). Shut down all the purveyors of alcohol and food poisoning, and the beds are empty.

Patricia cut my hair last weekend with a Wahl electric clipper that I’d bought for ten bucks at Ross years ago, but we’d never used. She overdid it, and I look like I’m ready for boot camp, but she’d probably do better with practice and learning how to use it. I’ve heard Jesse Watters describe how his wife had learned to cook, and now I’m wondering how many of us will go back to paying other people to cut our hair and cook for us, now that we’ve figured out we can actually do it ourselves? Of course, I’ve never been a big restaurant goer, for reasons I’ve discussed several times here: the cost, and the nutrition. I’ve probably been affected by this as little as anyone.